i have just startet playing StarWars-EAW-FC with PR mod and it is amazing.
I play strategic games now over 35 years (yea - i am old

I play diff games and stumble over EAW last week ( i am not an big StarWars Fan boy - more an StarTreK

So it is the first StarWars game i installed on my PC .... and as i know - good games getting MUCH better with good mods (....mhhh i think nearly all my games i play are modded - way away from vanilla ...) i searching for an good mod for EAW-FC.
(have the gold pack)
I found 2 mods that looks interesting (and one sub-mod)
Phoenix Rising
Republic at War
and FOC Ultimate Galactic Conquest sub-mod
Have fist testet PR and was VERY pleased with the funy and atmospheric gameplay ... an excellent mod.
Then i test RaW .... not bad .... but like the 3 "new" episodes ... to colorful ... and to simply strategy centered ...
FOC Ultimate GC i have only read the descreption and i am unsure if it will work with PR ......
So i think i will stay (for the moment) with PR.
It gives an amazing gameplay for the after clone-wars aera and further ....
I like the research concept and have overall nothing big found i dislike.
Things that i have found better in RaW :
Death events of units (Ships) are not simply explosion effects ..
mmhhh ... thats maybe all ........

So - i have the question - if the FOC-UGC mod compatible with PR - or is big parts from FOC mod already included in PR ?