- Inns are basically a variation of creeps/lairs. The biggest difference is that
- they don't have units guarding them
- instead of using a allegiance spell, you capture it
- There is a limited number of units/hordes that actually fits (suits) to be inside an inn, with humans. Realistically we should restrict it to only house humans from good factions (Gondor and Rohan) and perhaps dwarven and elven units. I can't really see neither Easterlings nor Haradrim to be hanging around in an Inn. And I defenitely can't see goblins, orcs or uruks to be stationed there for recruitment.
Considering the amount of new creeps/lairs planned, I think they fill a much bigger need for variety and exciting maps in SEE, than the concept of having ONE - I repeat ONE - single capturable structure that should house a huge variety of units for recruitment. The structure itself is great, and should be used but maybe only limited to special maps like Minas Tirith and such. But I don't really "feel" for it, when it comes to general maps. In Fords of Isen, there is an Inn right next to the Troll Cave. How realistic is that? We can move them around, but I can't say I'm happy with the idea of one structure for all those extra units. So, instead we could make sure that all factions have some way of controlling creeps. Either via spell book, or via some hero, or possibly unit/horde. Good factions for good creeps and evil factions for evil creeps (dont wanna see orcs control ents for instance).