Not gona bother quoting because the tagless quote bubbles in the most recent IPB incarnations are a pain in the ass and it's not worth it to remember how to turn that new crap off.
Oh dear god yes, I actually beat that mission my first run thru, but barely.
THOSE were real games, unlike the crap we get now (including EAW/FOC w/o mods)
@PR account
I agree, the whole mass market tie-in philosiphy is what is making gaming suck.
They never bother to realize the fundamental truth that they are selling a niche product, but telling the niche market to go fuck itself.
Of course sometimes the niche market sends a clear fuck you in return, such as when Bethesda got the rights to Fallout they ended up disabling avatars on their forums for a bit due to the Fallout fans who were angry because bethesda has a history of mass market crap, and lying their asses off about it.
Personally I consider Star Wars (like trek) to be dead (or at least dormant) despite the promise of years of movies to come.
Of course, considering the same idiot is going to be directing the star wars movies as the new trek ones, we have lots of lens flare to come it seems.
Another example of the mass market stupidity, J.J. Abrams has been quoted more than once saying he wants to make trek more like star wars, because apparently in his mind they're the same thing.... yeah don't expect much from the new star wars movies.
It's a fucking shame too, because if Lucas had a LITTLE vision he could have turned his star wars empire into a dominant force in entertainment.
It would have been as simple as doing a live action TV series set in the star wars universe, something as simple as basing it on some fringe cargo transport and its crew, and throw them into the vicinity of various events from the books/movies/games from time to time.
Of course, the problem in the end is gamers.
Basically, it's became so easy to be a 'gamer' these days that people buy mass marketed crap because they don't know OR care that there used to be much better products.
Personally, tho, for a star wars RTS, I'd say that the best real option currently would be in the Armada 2 engine (shitty Star Trek RTS activision made), using the enhancements from the FleetOps mod (that games version of PR In some ways) to allow further tuning.
To be honest, as good as PR has been over the years, I still usually only have EAW installed for a few months out of the year before the sheer stupidity of the engine itself (despite the mods enhancements) make me uninstall, and that's the real shame, because if the people that made the game hadnt been focused on a mass marketed product they would have had the time to make it more fun.
Edited by, 05 May 2013 - 07:25 AM.