I won't make any long speeches this time... but I refer to my last (long) post. So pardon my absense off and on, but it's a long story and boring topic. Rest assure though, that no matter how long I'm gone, I will never ever leave for good. The latest setback in production has mostly been due to me not wanting to go on to the next faction without having all things fixed (excluding polishing) fro Moria. I think this is key, to not ending up where we were in total chaos with millions of partially finished things.
Anyways, after the loss of Ed3rd as Modeler... we might (?) have gained Digi. He threw together a much needed fortress monument for Moria which will only need skinning now, and then coded in to finish the fortress all together. And I guess you all know that the fortress is key to the factions existance =)
About the offer on top of this page... I just find it a little to good to be true. Most likely it's a troll/fan (the name Tyler Darden is kinda funny, as Tyler Durden is a movie caracter) that wants to kickstart the mod's production... but, hopefuly I'm wrong. If it's true, it's a god sent gift that will be most gratefully received. I will contact this person asap, and anyone that wishes to reach me (for production purpposes) can do so at: romulus@rome.com (also works as MSN)
Edited by Nazgûl, 15 April 2013 - 11:33 PM.