Discuss your Lorien strategies here.
Lorien are the kings of ranged units with more ranged units than any other faction.
This combined with the various upgrades and spells like Shroud make them very powerful.
Even the basic Lorien Archer is useful through the entire game.
A Lorien player will generally focus on the White Fire Arrow upgrade on their Lorien Archers and building a small force of them and by focusing fire they can take down most enemies quickly.
Combining spells with your focused fire attacks is key.
Shroud is a very useful spell which can be used offensively and defensively since slows and heavily reduces enemy vision and range.
By casting on pursuing enemies it makes a very useful spell and could mean the difference between your units surviving and perishing.
By casting it on attacking enemies it slows units and weakens archers making them sitting ducks.
Lorien really shines on Castle maps with Outposts where they can build Entmoots which allows them to use the Ent rush strategy.
A waves of Ents can be very hard to stop and if left unattended by the enemy can end up severely weakening a player's base.
(You may also notice that Lorien has exclusive Ent varieties)