Ideas for the European Alliance:
1: The Sniper:
Most people think snipers are OP, but they're just as anti-infantry as Prism Tanks (Taking in the account of the splash damage), which are already available.
The Sniper is a tire 3 infantry, capable of sniping infantry at long ranges (At the same range that Prism Tanks can).
The Sniper can also deploy an unfold-able artificial bush to hide in (Preferably amongst greenery). Weather or not they should be able to fire out of said bush is debatable.
2: The Camo Pillbox:
The Camo Pillbox was first introduced in Red Alert 1, which proved to be quite effective at ambushing infantry.
The Camo Pillbox essentially behaves like a Mirage Tank, however uses a MG turret, instead.
The Camo Pillbox's weapon is suppressed to avoid muzzle flash and noise that would otherwise; draw attention.
The "Camo Pillbox", isn't a structure, but rather an upgrade for the pre-existing Pillbox, accessible at Tier 2.
(Considering that EA is a so called defensive faction; I thought that these suggestions would be befitting)
Idea for the Latin Confederation:
1: The Bomb Bike:
The bomb bike is a suicider Infantry capable of quickly reaching the enemy and detonating an explosive.
They are anti Structure / Tank.
They are a tire 2 Infantry.
Ideas for Scorpion Cell:
1: The Virus (Sniper):
Considering that SC already has Please Splatters, I don't see how bad it'd be to implement Viruses back into the game.
Viruses shots will no longer kill grouped infantry per shot, only the individual target.
Viruses are tire 3 infantry, capable of sniping / infecting infantry at long ranges.
Viruses are now capable of healing friendly infantry at close range (I thought this would be logical considering that some infantry heal from virus gas, also)
2: Mutant Hijacker:
Weather or not replacing psychics, I think Hijackers would be really befitting to SC.
3: Making driller-technology SC exclusive.
Ideas for Epsilon in general:
1: Dunriders take up 1 transport slot instead of 2.
2: Brutes take up 2 transport slots instead of 1.
3: The Abductor:
The Abductor is a variant of the Invader that can Transport / abduct (Like a Drakuv at very close range) up to 3 infantry.
The Abductor is a slightly smaller "Invader" holstering 4 pods. The pilot pod in the centre, & three smaller ones sounding it.
The Abductor cannot abduct heroes, or land.
The Abductor can "beam down" Infantry onto the ground (enemy infantry will be paralysed for a short time) or into Bio Reactors & Grinders.
The Abductor replaces the Driller APC. The Driller APC, however, becomes a SC exclusive add on.
4: More Stinger alterations.
Stinger + Initiate = Initiate Stinger (+1 Range & slightly more anti-tank)
Stinger + Archer = Archer Stinger (+1 Range & anti Air / Tank / Structure)
Stinger + Psychic = Psychic Stinger (+1 Range & acquires mini-Master-Mind head)
Stinger + Dunrider = Toxic Grenade Stinger (+1 Range & anti Infantry / Structure)
5: A mission where Epsilon steals the blueprints for IFV technology (If there isn't already one), which makes way for the Stinger.
6: Psychic Spy detection.
Spies are no longer safe from being undetected from mind control abilities.
Edited by BlackAbsence, 26 December 2015 - 09:56 PM.