Epsilon + Epsilon Stolen-Tech: The Overmind.
The Overmind is essentially a Mastermind in the form of a floating disk.
It can traverse anywhere with relatively good speed and armour. This makes them notorious for making hit-and-run attacks, quickly turning the tables in just one sweep.
"All your units are belong to us"
I'd like to imagine that the Inferno Tower, Antares Battery, and Marauder (As seen in the new trailer) use the same kind of attack that initiates do, just on grander scales. Which is why I'd like to suggest that, when they become "elite" their attack becomes blue, too, like elite initiate attacks.
Basilisks in enough numbers can annihilate anything on the ground. Which is why I'd like to suggest a weaker, substitute unit: The HiveMind.
The Hivemind is a sturdy, slow "Mother-Ship" type floating-disk that can unleash a swam of drones to attack targets at artillery-range distances.
The Drones, called Wasps, are flung around with telekinesis, can shoot beams with their "stingers", and can stay out of their "mother-ship" indefinitely, but are very weak and take awhile to re-spawn.
The only reason why the Wasps can't attack anywhere on the map is because the Hivemind can only control them up to a certain distance.
They call this unit the Hivemind because it's a collective conciousness system that controls every drone and itself at once.
These things are only efficient at killing infantry and bases, but only in large enough numbers to overcome the anti-air resistance, if there is any.
Edited by BlackAbsence, 27 February 2016 - 10:34 PM.