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Pasidon's Scrolls Drafting Guide

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#1 Pasidon


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Posted 01 February 2014 - 07:36 AM

It's draft time.  While I have the free time to go into such a heavy topic, I'll get right into it.  Scrolls Judgement Drafting.  It's not quite the same as making your own custom deck.  You're given a very limited selection of cards you must choose from in Judgement, and you must build a small deck from the selection you're given.  While the cards given to you are 100% random, there are ways to minimize the risks and get the optimum deck you want.  I will be listing each card and their value in a draft.  And when you get your selections, choose the best optimal picks for your drafts.


In advance... sorry for the typos and spelling errors.  There is ALOT here, and it's very difficult to grammar check.  I'll try and fix them over time.


Quick Tips:

-Try and pick a consistent resource type.  From your first selection screen, determine what resource type you will most likely be choosing from the cards presented.  

-Try and pick low resource cards.  You will likely be ending up with a mixed resource deck, and certain high value cards won't be easily played if it's a secondary resource type in your deck.

-Pick a secondary resource.  If your primary resource isn't an option in your card selection, maybe your 2nd resource option will be.  Your 2nd resource should try and stay low in cost.  a value pf 1-3 is optimal, if possible.


Resource Ratings:

My personal determination of resource types in drafting is, in fact, personal.  It depends on your play style how you value the different resources.  But here is my evaluation of the current 4 factions.


Order: Order is very unit heavy and has a very high amount of utility.  When selecting units that synergise  well together without the need of buff cards, Order is optimal for this.  But the lack of direct removal and heavy units is a big issue in the end.  I would recommend Order as a good 2nd resource type, as it has the best low cost spells and units out of the other 3 factions.  


Power: Although Power is a heavy hitter, in my opinion, it is the weakest of the draft picks.  Power is a resource type that is very formidable, but also very situational.  Gravelocks rely on Gravelock Elders for buffs, and the resource also holds many spells for structures / based around structures.  But you may not get enough structures to justify these buffs, like Golem Skin, or Machine Chant.  While Power has some of the best removal out of the 4 factions, it is too situation to trust as a primary or secondary resource type.  It is more beneficial as a primary type.


Growth: As of the current card selection, Growth is my favorite draft resource choice.  It is filled with buffs, creatures with utility, and decent card draw.  It has a strength around wolves, as they gain benefits from each other... but you may not get enough to justify Mangy Wolves or Great Wolves.  The removal is sub-par, but you'll have access to many strong spells and buffs, and decent creatures.  Growth is great as either a primary or secondary resource type.


Decay: As of this post, Decay is still a very experimental resource type.  But as a positive note, it is quite strong in drafting.  It has many creatures that benefit from the death of friendly units, which I wouldn't recommend, but the card draw is very good, the removal is strong, and the creatures are very versatile.  Decay is great as either a primary or secondary resource type.


Card Draft List:

This is going to be a long one, but I've played enough of this game to have valuable information about each card.  I will be organizing them based on resource type.  I hope this helps you and your future success.  Unless you're playing against me... then feel free to choke.


I will rate each card by 5 different ratings:

-Excellent- Has lots of value and is independently worth the value.  Very flexible and / or damaging to your opponent.

-Good- A solid card that holds its own and is flexible in many situations.

-Average- Has some value, but can be a bit more situational than what it's worth. 

-Poor- Not worth the value, but still with some situational worth

-Bad- Not good at all and probably won't benefit you in anyway.




Arthritis- Poor

While this card can eventually promise removal of a creature or structure, it's not very strong and usually a waste of time.


Atrophy- Good

Negating 5 attack from any creature can very potentially life saving for your units.  Especially effective against stronger units with relentless, like Iron Golems and Great Wolves.


Bitter Root- Poor

It's a decent early game shield, but as a shield, it's very weak and situational.


Hex Marks- Good

Hex marks can mean a surprise victory, and can benefit any deck.  It's one of the best idol damaging cards available; if not the best idol damaging card.  VERY damaging with Siege Crackers and creatures with concentrate fire.


Husk- Poor

The 3 attack and 2 health for a 1 cost creature is note worthy, but the 3 count makes it likely to be removed by early cards before it can even get a chance to attack.


Mangy Rat- Bad

1 attack and 1 health?  That's awful.  It has benefits with Pestis and Unforeseen Onslaught, but you may not get one of those, and that benefit is minimal at best.  But at the prime of its life, it will probably be taken out by a Kabonk or single mark of poison damage.


Mire Shambler- Bad

Three attack is great to start with, but it moves every time it attacks.  And early on, it's a bit unlikely you will get two things on either side of him to control his movement.  And he has one health.  That's never acceptable.


Regeniture- Excellent 

Decay is lacking in buffs.  As one of the only reliable buff in Decay's library, I really recommend it.  It works great even if you get Decay as a 2nd resource type.  It will save almost any creature from a spark, burn, or any form of early game removal.


Ripper- Good

A 2 / 2 / 2 for 1 cost is great value, and strong against most early game cards.


Scavenger Construct- Average

It's a decent early wall that gain health if it remains up over time, if you play your creatures right.  Also works well with Amnivore.


Shroud of Unlife- Average

But Pasidon, you just said husks are awful.  True, but this card is situationally useful.  If your have two creatures in your row, and the front one has Unlife on it, and two of your opponents creatures attack your row, your first creature will die, drop a husk, and save your back unit.  At the worst, you have a free husk shambling around.


Wicked Being- Bad

Very bad.  It's not helpful removal or protection.


Eclipse- Good

I consider this an average card outside of draft.  But if you draft with unfortunate picks outside of Decay and you're forced to scatter your resources, eclipse guarantees at least one turn of plentiful resources to play high level decay units or spells.


Unbind (1)- Bad

Destroying your own structures is stupid, even for that extra decay.


Aninovore- Good

Card draw isn't guaranteed in drafting.  But this card can get you multiple cards if you put it on the right creature, even if it is one of the weaker forms of card draw.


Beetle Stone (2)- BAD

I put that in all caps for a reason.  Beetle Stone is one of the worst, if not the worst draft pick you can possibly do.  You need at least 2 of them to make them useful, and that is not even close to being guaranteed.


Ilmire Tribseman- Average

A 2/4 is fantastic for a 2 cost.  But it has that 3 countdown that slows it down from a good to an average.  If anything, it's a great moving wall.


Infected Gravelock- Average

It can't move, so it's not reliable for much.  It's still a decent creature.


Loyal Darkling- Bad

This unit is good for creatures that benefit from death. and pinging your opponent's idols lightly.  That doesn't forgive the awful stats.


Miasma Well- Poor

If this is one of your last picks and you already have a decent amount of poison damage, by all means... get it.  If this is not the case, it's an awful card.


Uneasy Alliance- Good

It's a card that relies on you having multiple Uneasy Alliances, but it's still 2 extra damage to anything you own.  Champion Ring does the same at a similar cost, but doesn't have the benefit / downside to the card.  But in the end, Decay is lacking in buffs, so it's a safe bet to get.


Fungify- Good

It makes a creature take a ton of turns to attack, but it sure does make it durable enough to handle a good deal of removal and attacks.


Ire and Bile- Excellent

This card is great unit based removal, for either you or your opponent.  But you're the one who plays it, so you can play it at your own convenience and wipe out many of your opponent's creatures without warning.


Sickening Fumes- Good

It can ruin an entire turn of attacks for your opponent.  It's a card that can turn a tide on an even board. 


Watcher- Average

It's a tough 2 cost wall, and it has benefits.  One of the better structure cards for decay.


Energy Siphon- Good

Even if you're not using the Power resource, it's still a great way to drastically weaken, or even kill a creature.


Languid- Excellent

One of the best cards in the game.  You can essentially make an enemy creature useless AND you get a scroll after using it.  Always pick languid if you get the choice.


More Curse- Good

Fantastic against opponents who use structures or lots of small creatures.  Great poison based removal.


Return to Nature- Good

Even if you don't use Growth, this card can decimate your opponent's board.  It kills all 1 health creatures, and weakens tough creatures so your weaker units can kill them. 


Searing Shackles- Good

You will either get lots of damage to an idol, kill a creature, or both with it.


Tethered Recruit- Poor

Decent if you plan to use Order... but it's a 2/2/1 for 2.  That 1 health makes it useless for anything but the Order.


Viscera Sage- Good

It's 2/2/2 for 2, which is decent, and you get a free card if it makes a kill.  That's a good value creature, if you can keep it alive.


Eager Scryer- Good

It attacks every turn, which is great.  The 3 health also protects it from ember bonds, sparks, searing shackles, or anything else that does 2 damage.  The card draw with extra countdown is just an added bonus.


Ilmire Rot Eater- Excellent

This card is a solid 3 cost creature that only gains strength for units that die around it.  They often do well if they aren't removed early.


Pillar of Disease- Poor

For the cost, it's a bad wall.  The -1 attack for units on the enemy row helps, but it still doesn't make it a reasonable draft.


Grisly Graft- Average

It can be decent if you have enough small creatures to justify it.  It's also good to get uses out of units about to die, or given mire curses or infectious blights.


Harvester- Good

The 4 health means it won't last long without protection, but it can turn a bad game around with enough creatures put into its countdown.


Pillar of Fatigue- Bad

There are little to no other cards to justify getting this in your draft.


Restless Bones- Bad

Unless you have a good amount of husks, Ilmire Shamblers, or Necrogeddons in your draft, this card is 100% useless.


Soul Steal- Excellent

It's not very efficient removal, but the extra creature on your side of the board makes it very good.  Even if the creature is marked as bad on my list.  Decay doesn't have much instant removal for anything above 1 health, and this card makes up for that.


Unforseen Onslaught- Bad

This is a great card in any desk with rats and ragged wolves.  Your deck most likely won't have any, so just don't bother with this card.  


Blightbearer- Good

It's a dangerous thing for any opponent to see, since killing it in combat comes with a price.  Average stats for its cost as well.


Brain Lice- Excellent

It can kill anything weakened or starting with 3 or less health.  And you get a card back after the creature is dealt with.  Great value removal.


Cluster Hex- Average

It can either turn the tide, or sit in your hand for the rest of the match.  


Draining Mist- Good

A great card to postpone enemy attack for many turns,  It can keep you alive and turn the tide.


Monstrosity- Poor

A great card for constructed decks, but not for drafting.  Avoid if possible, unless you're offered 3 on one page of draft picks.


Pestis- Poor

Making a rat and getting +1 attack per rat sounds good, but the rats rarely survive long enough to make this card worth your time.


Puppet Soldier- Average

It can really bite you and get in the way, and do the same for your opponent.


Soul Scrounger- Bad

Unless the creature has 3 countdown or more, this card is pretty useless.


Bloodline Taint- Poor

I'm tempted on setting this as bad, but this can really help against Order since they only use human subtypes.  It's almost a guarantee to curse 2 all Order units, making this situationally useful.  Then again, you still need to do damage to these units.


Damning Curse- Excellent

Remove any creature you want is fantastic removal, especially for 4 cost.  And if you don't have any units, there is no downside for you.


Ilmire Hunter- Average

In theory, slayer is great, but easily countered.  Reducing your hunter to 0 attack, or putting up a wall is enough to make the hunter useless.  Then it's a 2/2/5 for 4 cost, which isn't very good at all.


Infectious Blight- Good

It will kill any creature you put it on, and kill more after it's done with that creature... but it's a slow death, and your opponent can easily counter this blight with Purifications, self-inflicted damage, sacrificing the infected unit, or if the infected unit dies in combat.  But that said, it is an irritant to your opponent, especially if they have weaker creatures.


Totem of Suffering- Bad

It just gets in the way, is way too weak, and barely does any damage.  


Curse Monger- Good

It's stats aren't impressive, but when it's attack won't be of use, it can put a curse 2 on anything, which is a great amount of support per attack.


Pest Dissimulator- Average

Unless your opponent has tons of creatures in one location, this card won't do much damage.  


Monstrous Brood- Bad

VERY bad.  There's little chance you'll get enough of the same creature to justify this pricey card.  It really only works well with bunnies and rat kings.


Lifestealer- Good

It has a lousy attack for a 5 cost, but it can keep itself alive.  And Decay doesn't have anything else that can heal.


Oblivion Seeker- Good

It's pathetic, but it's a psychological wall.  Your opponent will avoid attacking this to prevent you from gaining the 2 scrolls.  And that may keep it alive long enough to actually do some damage.  But the card draw makes the creature good.  I considered even making is Excellent, but the stats are still really bad for a 5 cost.


Ilmire Witch Doctor- Good

Decent ranged attack and health, and it has an effect that may / may not benefit you base don your other draft picks.


Necrogeddon- Average

It could turn a match, but at the cost of all of your helpful creatures and 6 decay.  Situational removal.




Copper Automation- Average

If you play it right, this 1 cost unit can remove a very high cost unit.  


Dust Runner- Average

It's useless in late game and against armored units, but it can really do damage early game.


Gravelock Raider- Poor

It can benefit from a Gravelock Elder, and buffs can make these very useful units.  It does have relentless, which many people don't suspect.  Without buffs, it's pretty standard and useless.


Plating- Average

It can be annoying to face, or completely useless.  But it usually soaks up enough to keep something you own alive one extra turn.


Rigged- Bad

You may have no structures to use it on, and ranged units make this completely useless.


Useless Contraption- Average

It's pretty strong for a 1 cost wall, and will keep your early and even late units out of harm for a short while.


Potion of Resistance- Good

If you have something valuable, you can keep it alive for 3 turns.  Great for clockwork libraries and walls.


Desperation- Excellent

You can use it for early removal or late game buffing.  Great for gravelock raiders.


Golem Skin- Bad

Really bad.  You probably won't have enough structures to justify this. Even if you do... it's still not good.


Gun Automation- Good

It's durable enough to survive many things but Burn in an early game.  


Law Memorial- Bad

Unless you know you are going to use Order, this is pretty useless.


Metal Heart- Bad

Even if you do have lots of structures to justify this, it still doesn't guarantee great buffing.  And to make it even worse... it's temporary.


Spark- Excellent

Great to get rid of almost anything you want early game, or to break down stronger units.


Tribal Memorial- Bad

Memorials are bad in drafts in general.


Machinated- Average

It can make a unit pack a punch, but once every 3 turns at best.  It's best to put this on a unit with high health.


Supercharged- Average

It can be helpful, but your opponent can easily avoid the 1 damage by moving its own units.  


Blast Strike- Average

Depending on your opponent's board and and enchantments, this can be useful to ping away Metal Plating, low health creatures, and creatures hiding behind walls.  But it still can be useless, depending on how your opponent plays.


Iron Whip- Good

It can be used was weak removal, or a quick buffed attack for your units.


Machination Mindset- Average

Power is lacking in melee units, so this is mostly useless for Power.  If you have other resource types with melee units, it can be very powerful.


Machine Priest- Poor

It's really only useful to move opponent walls out of the way.  Other than that, the healing probably won't help you much.


Magma Pack- Average

It can make a massive impact.  You can take down big creatures with mostly any creature, or kill and idol in 1 hit.  But the unit is sacrificed at the end, so it's basically 2 cards for 1 attack.  


Overdrive- Poor

It kills most of your structures too fast for it to have any value.  And you may not draft something that benefits from this.  I didn't mark it as bad since you can use it as removal for your opponent's structures.


Piercing Projectile- Average

Power is lacking in good buffs, and most of its creatures are ranged.  So this buff is decent, but not amazing.


Redesign- Poor

Very few units have drastically different health and attack values to make this benefit you.  It can be good to kill Machine Priests, or switch an enemy unit's health value so you can kill it more efficiently.


Tool Initiate- Good

Power is lacking in early units with decent health values.  Tool Initiate has the same values as a gun automation, but it may also boost a structure's attack, if that's necessary.


Catapult of Goo- Bad

It will rarely pull it's weight when enemies can move around them.  Tool initiates can make them some-what useful, but not by much.


Charge Coil- Average

Under some heavy protection, it can really wreck an enemy board.  But it's still not impressive enough to change a game alone.


Gravelock Outcast- Good

With the 3/2/3, it's average, and the ability isn't very useful, but currently the only 3 cost Power creature with reliable health and good attack.  It's one of the few Power units that greatly benefits from Machination Mindset


Scattergunner- Average

The 4 attack is impressive, but at 3 cost, it's 2 health can be very easily dealt with.


Siege Cracker- Average

It's great to rush down your opponent, or in fact, finish off idols, but it's easily countered and not very useful against units.  


Tick Bomb- Excellent

You can kill off any structure you want at a reasonable price.  This is perfect for puppet soldiers, Hellspitters, walking stones, or anything else you opponent can put in your way.  Puppet Soldiers do not activate when killed by a tick bomb.


Austomata Forge- Excellent

It's a huge target because it can load your board with decent units.  with Energy you have no use for.  This can be a great value card.


Bombard- Good

Since most of your units are ranged, this is a reliable countdown reducer for Power.  But it can easily backfire if your enemy has lots of ranged as well.


Cannonetta- Good

It rate it the same as a Gravelock Outcast for a few reasons.  It ultimately is committing the same amount of damage, just in a unique way with the piercing.  And this unit can't be given Machination Mindset, making Gravelock Outcast a more valuable if you have one.  BUT, Cannonetta is more valuable if you have a bombard and if your opponent has lots of weaker units on their field.


Corrode- Excellent

This card can cause a sudden burst of damage, and you can very easily win unexpectedly with this card.  At the very least, you can get a scroll in the end or deal massive idol damage.  This card is almost necessary for Power since their lack of heavy hitting units.  This card can end the game sooner than an average power game for you.


End of Reason- Poor

Even if you use lots of low value cards to clear your enemy board, you're still being forced to use lots of cards to clear the board.  And that will most likely put you at a card disadvantage.


Hellspitter Mortar- Excellent

It's attack is unreliable... but that's still a chance to kill almost anything in the game.  But that's not why it's excellent.  It's the most durable structure you can find, keeping your opponents at bay for quite some time.  Especially if you stick a Potion of Resistance on it.  And all of this for only 3 resources is Amazing value.  Always pick one of these up, if you have a power focus in anyway.


Machine Divinator- Poor

You will most likely not get enough structures that will benefit from this.


Scout Automation- Poor

Only 4 types of units benefit from this card.  If nothing is befitting in your draft, then it's really bad.  The 1 armor is decent and all, but that 1 attack isn't much to protect.  At the worst time, it will just be a moving shield for your actually valuable units.


Concentrate Fire- Good

This card can get good value, hopefully at least taking out 2 units, or just at least doing massive damage.


Darkstrike- Average

2 damage for 3 cost is not cost efficient at all, but the 1 decay may benefit your draft picks.


Ember Bonds- Good

Like I said, 2 damage for 3 cost is pretty pants, but this si 2 damage every time a unit attacks.  It's a death sentence for almost anything.


Fury- Good

It's not good that your opponents also get this benefit, but using it at your pleasure can really get you the board advantage.


State Machine- Good

It can drastically change the value of your opponent's units for 4 turns.  Really usefull if your unit uses draining mists.


Storm Runner- Good

That 2 damage is bad, but it can really wipe out a board if your opponent doesn't consider this unit's presence.


Clock Library- Good

Card draw is great and all, but 3 cards in 4 turns is a bit of an ask.  Some people claim Speed works very well with Clock Library... but that's actually spending 2 medium cost cards for 3 cards... ultimately getting 1 card out of the deal.


Proximity Charge- Average

If your opponent is Melee based, especially Order and Growth opponents, these can inconvenience them greatly.  But even if a melee unit attacks them, or your opponent uses multiple removals, these 3 mines are still helping you out well.  They also benefit from cards buffed by number of structures you own.


Metal Wonder- Good

This will force your opponent to reconsider spells if they already have weakened idols, or this card will weaken a few idols before it's eventually taken out.


Solemn Giant- Good

The 8 attack can devastate an enemy unit or idol, and it can attack whenever you like in late game.  VERY dangerous with Machinist Mindset.


Blind Rage- Excellent

This card can devastate an opponent's board.  Great removal, and the bonus debuff is also nice.


Burn- Excellent

Not efficient value, but the extra scrolls makes that 3 damage well worth your time.


Destroyer- Good

For 4 cost, this would normally be bad... but it as a countdown of 1.  It can really limit your opponent's board.


Ether Pump- Average

It's useless against units with armor, but it can benefit a weak enemy board.


Gravelock Elder- Poor

Its stats are far below par for a 5 cost, and if you have few / no other Gravelocks... this unit won't cut it.


Machine Chant- Good

It's damage is situation, but the free energy is amazing.  It's one of the few cards you'll see in the game that will increase the same resource it gets its cost from.  If you don't have structures for the damage, it's decent for a big jump in energy.


Thunder Surge- Excellent

One of the best removals in the game.  It can devastate an enemy and change the game.  Although... it can easily be countered if your opponent is a season player and understand advanced board positioning.


Violent Dispersal- Excellent

Killing anything you want is amazing.  Even for the 6 cost.  


Cannon Automation- Average

This is one of Power's heavy hitters... but for 6 cost.  It's durable with that armor, but still very vulnerable late game with that pathetic 4 health.


Iron Ogre- Excellent

Debatable, but he most powerful unit in the game.  His armor makes him solid, but his 7 attack and relentless makes him very formidable.  Great to use with Speed, as the big downside is the 3 countdown.





Beast Rat- Poor

It's just not Strong enough to cause a threat to anything early or late game.  And very few things benefits from rats.


Binding Root- Average

It's not conventional removal, but it does make an enemy unit bound to one spot for you to deal with at your own leisure.


Bloodboil- Poor

It will rarely benefit you.  Only good with high health units with reliable heals.


Elan Vital- Poor

Healing isn't vital to a deck, especially when it's so weak.


Eye of Eagle- Average

Card for a card.  It's good to recycle through your deck fast and get cards you actually need.  It's good to take if you have nothing else to put into your deck.


Junkyard- Bad

Crappy as a wall, crappy as a buff.


Owl- Bad

At least mangy rat did poison damage... this is the worst unit in the game, and only exists to benefit a Sister of the Owl.  And still, that benefit isn't even that great.  


Ragged Wolf- Good

But it's the same as a mangy rat... why good?  Because of that haste, and because it's a wolf.  If you have any Great Wolves, they will benefit from these.  AND, Ragged Wolf has haste.  That one point of instant damage can really give you the upper hand early game, and even help late game.


Vitriol Aura- Poor

It's actually decent in late game for a high health unit, but in the end, asking for a melee unit to attack your enchanted unit is alot to ask for.


Bunny- Bad

It can be good with fertile soils, grizzly grafts, Harvesters, Ilmire Rot Eaters, crimson bulls, and other things.  But it's still probably going to get Kabonked before it reproduces once.


Dryadic Power- Good

As an early game buff, it's really great.  The -1 movement is a pain, but that still makes a very powerful unit.  The negative effect can be canceled out with roasted bean potion, making it more formidable.


Erode- Bad

It's a great early game resource increase... but that's an awful way to get it.


Hymn- Bad

You will rarely need this.


Illithorn Seed- Average

This has the same benefits as a Shroud of Unlife.  It can block back units when multiple creatures are attacking a single row.


Leeching Ring- Poor

This can combine well with Berserker Cap, Plague Bearer, or anything that takes lots of damage before it attacks.  Other than that, just about as useful as any other heal.


Nutrition- Average

You get the resources from a unit you already out down, allowing for interesting / strong early game drops.  Its also makes use of units about to die and / or holding a mire curse or infectious blight.


Vaettr of the Wild-  Excellent

This card is vulnerable to every form of removal, but if you can keep it alive, it gives you a massive resource advantage.


Bear Paw- Excellent

My favorite buff card.  You give any weak creature this, and they immediately become a good threat.  The 1 countdown addition is also not always a bad thing.  It can postpone a creature's attack until he reaches a better part of the board for it's attack.


Champion Ring- Average

That extra 2 attack is nice on almost anything, but it seems rarely used and not preferred over other buffs. 


Crimson Bull- Excellent

This card synergises well with many other cards, like Bunnies, Rally, Necorgeddon, or even ragged wolves.  This card can either be sitting in your hand for quite some time, but that sudden burst of attack can change almost any tide.


Eternal Statue- Average 

It's a pretty annoying statue to break through early game.  Much less useful late game.


Frost Gale- Average

It's really good if you have no units on your side.


Illithorn- Bad

An awful wall.  It really needs to be buffed to Thorns 2 to make that 2 cost worth it.  Very imbalanced and useless.  Avoid at all costs.


Kinfolk Ranger- Excellent

It's pretty standard, but that 3 health makes it sturdy enough against most early game units and sparks.


Sand Pact Memorial- Bad

Never pick memorials in draft.  Unless there's no better option.


Sister of the Fox- Good

It can be buffed, making it a threat.  But that extra card it gives you makes it great for a 2 cost unit if you don't have any other plays on turn 2.


Stag Heart- Poor

A great card, just not in draft.  Unless you know you're getting 3 from 1 page of draft picks.


Stone Pact Memorial- Bad



Vitality Well- Average

It heals all your units, unlike the other heals, which can cancel out a Damning Curse or Frost Gale.  And after that... it's a decent wall.  And it may accidentally heal something well enough to keep it alive later on.


Appurtenance- Bad

You may not have enough beasts to justify this.  It's way to unreliable for most drafts.


Kinfolk Brave- Excellent

The best 2 cost unit in the game, and the ultimate game winner.  If you get this out early, you can get control of the board and keep it for the rest of the game.  Especially if you buff a Brave with a Bear Paw.  If you're not sure why a Brave is amazing, then it's because of that 1 countdown.  Always pick a brave if you can, even if you're sure you're not using Growth.


Untainted- Poor

Usually, this card is ideal for heavy units so they don't get violent dispersal'ed.  They're still vulnerable to so many other forms of removal.


Gravehawk- Poor

I'm not rating this as bad since it has relentless.  If you can get it buffed it, it can take out quite a bit.But with that mere 1 attack, that's asking for alot.


Ranger's Bane- Good

Growth is really lacking in removal that doesn't suck for your board as well.  Ranger's Bane is a good form of removal, though not great.  


Frostbeard- Poor

Now that it has 2 health, it's a bit more usable.  That 3 countdown is a pain, but if that 6 attack can get away, it can kill almost anything.  It's also one of the few 3 cost growth creatures, so it's not awful if you take one.


Breaker- Excellent

Speaking of 3 cost growth creatures, this one is great.  It gets better as the match goes on, and has pretty solid stats.


Death Cap Berserk- Average

It's pretty bad for your units, unless it's a Berserkers or you have reliable heals.  BUT, you can use it to remove enemy units.  


Ancestral Pact- Average

Card draw is always great, but this is so unreliable.  At best, you may get 1 card from this, making it a waste of time, or nothing... making it 100% a waste of time.  But it can be massive when your opponent is about to do a massive attack.


Crone- Poor

I don't consider it bad due to the lack of 3 cost Growth creatures... but it's pretty bad.  It's just a 3 cost wall that moves and might kill something valuable, if the enemy is dumb.  It combines well with binding root / Dydrillic Power, since you can anchor an enemy and force it to attack her.  Then again... that's not ideal removal.


Druid Burial Ground- Average

It's a sturdy wall that heals your units... it can be decent.  Good at countering the damage from mire curses or Arthritis.


Noaidi- Poor

The stats don't make this creature worth your time, and the drop benefit is a gamble based on your opponent's resources.


Rumble- Average

It can really ruin your enemy formations, especially if they have walls in the way of your attacks.  


Brother of the Wolf- Good


The stats aren't note worthy, but if that 3 attack doesn't interest you, you have infinite wolves.  That's pretty much 1 extra attack wherever you want on the board.


Mangy Wolf- Poor

Unless you already have lots of wolves, then these are useless.


Sister of the Bear- Good 

She's a tough lady to take out, and is a good turn 4 play.


Ancestral Totem- Good

If you have lots of weaker creatures, or even a Brother of the Wolf, this is very handy to have.  But it's very vulnerable.


Essence Feast- Average

A VERY undervalued card.  If you have lots of beasts in your deck, then this could win you the game.  But compared to cards like Corrosion, it's not that great of value.  The healing isn't really worth your time.


Fertile Soil- Excellent 

Card draw is always nice, and 3 cards for any creature you own is a good value.  The optimal sacrifice would be a siter of the bear, a Vattre of the Wild (Since it's not as useful this late in the game), a ragged wolf, a creature about to die, or a creature with Infectious Blight or Mire Curse.


Fierce Tactics- Good

This can benefit most creatures Growth owns.  But the things with most attack in Growth already have relentless.  But this can combo well with a crimson bull, among other buffs.


Oak Blood- Excellent

You shouldn't be putting all your tacos in one bell, but this will make anything you own a walking tank.  Combos well with redesign and Unleash Inner Power, but Violent Dispersal or slayer can shut this down immediately.


Rat King- Poor

3 free beasts can benefit several things that you may or may not encounter.  Combos well with Monstrous Brood, Unforseen Onslaught, Pestis, and even Necrogeddon.  But in the end, these combos probably won't happen, so these rats this late in the game will just serve to be meat shields for actually valuable things.


Unleash Inner Power- Poor

It's alright.  It can combo well with Reginiture, oak blood, or anything that can get your health up afterwards, or just focus it all into one powerful attack... but that doesn't come in handy as one would like.


Wildling- Good

This combos well with rat king and things that heal her, and it attacks every turn, so it can benefit from several useless things.


Great Wolf- Excellent

Even if you don't get very many wolves, this is still a beast with relentless.  It can chew through the enemy line if you have any way to buff him up.


Berserker- Average

It's nothing impressive for a 5 cost, but the self healing and attack boost can actually make it combo very well with Death Cap Berserk.


Kinfolk Veteran- Excellent

It's a quick 3 points of damage wherever you want, and will likely remove something on the board.  


Rallying- Excellent

This card wins games.  It's an unexpected attack that can turn your board advantage into a board wipe.  


Quake- Excellent

It's not the best board removal because of what it also does to you, but it's a card that becomes useful when your opponent has a heavy advantage.  


Sister of the Owl- Poor

There is really nothing great about this card, unless you have more than 1, or extra owls.  At 6 cost, it can easily be removed.  And those owls will doubtfully get the chance to attack before they are horribly massacred.


Kinfolk Jarl- Good

It has relentless, buffs your creatures, and gets buffed from other creatures.  An all-around good card, if you have other creatures.  Also combos well with Rat King.


God Hand- Poor

Why poor?  It's an 8 cost, so that's never getting played unless you have a Growth focus.  And if you think about it, it's just a Crimson Bull and a Rally.  Those cost 7 to play together, not 8.  You can take one, but the situation will probably never arise where this card is useful.  And if it is useful... you probably already have board advantage anyway.  




Callback- Average

For 1 cost, you can get anything back on your board.  It might be because it's weak, about to die, has a mire curse / infectious blight, or has a certain benefit for creatures with an effect when they are immediately played.  Like Sister of the Fox, , Sister of the Owl, Memorials, or even Mangy Wolves.


Crossbowman- Good

It's basically a Scatter Gunner for 1 cost, but with a 3 countdown.  Your opponent probably won't give it a chance to attack, if if they do, that's 4 damage to your stuff.  And it's ranged, so thorns, crowns and other things don't even effect it.  


Focus- Excellent

Just a fantastic card.  This can give you that unexpected boost to take down the the biggest of creatures with the weakest of creatures.  


Horn of Ages- Average

Not many people use, but it's actually alright.  Not being able to move for 1 turn can save your units a beating.


New Orders- Poor

Being able to move 1 extra hex shouldn't be under valued, but it mostly won't be that useful.  Decent when combed with Infected Gravelocks, something enchanted with Dyadillic Power, or something with a binding root on it.  But then again, it's just 1 turn of an extra move.


Power Bound- Good

It's a great way to get an early boost of Order.  So you can sacrifice for order, and also play this to hopefully get an extra.  Ideal to use on a SInmarked Zealot, or even a Loyal Darkling.


Purification- Excellent

A must-take draft card.  It can get rid of heavily buffed enemies, or your units with debuffs or poisonous nonsense.


Resonant Helm- Bad

It's one of the few heals Order has... but it's a crappy heal.  


Summons- Average

Good for decks with limited structures that you want to get, and a faster way to recycle through decks.


Vengeance Veil- Bad

It will rarely combo with anything, or work out.  Just don't take this card if you can help it.


Aging Knight- Average

It's good if you manage to get out out early game.  And later on, you can combo it with tempo thief.  You can also dump Mystic Alters into them so you can get that card draw and put that countdown into something useless.


Blessing of Haste- Excellent

Both early and late game spell that can turn a tide if you need that extra point of attack.  Combos well with Generals.


Efficiency- Poor

If you need the power... great.  But that 1 temporary attack won't do you much good. 


Royal Infantryman- Good

These guys sitting in a back row can make your early game a bit more durable.  They're also not terrible late game.


Sinmarked Zealot- Average

The sacrifice is good for cards like Heritage and Power Bound, and it may be able to get soem decent attacks in before you have a use for its sacrifice.  But a simple Ragged Wolf, Return to Nature, or Kabonk can take it down way too easily.


Desert Memorial- Bad

Don't bother.


Ducal Infantryman- Average

That 1 attack to 2 different creatures can work out early and late game.  But it's a 2 cost, and isn't very good stats wise for one.


Faith Blessing- Bad

This card probably won't change the game's tempo at all.  If your idols are massively damaged, then this card most likely won't save you.  Just a waste of a card and 2 health.


Faith Duty- Average

It can keep a cluster of units at bay, but you probably need something that can heal the unit constantly as well.  Combos well with Berserkers, Enchanted Helm (kind of), and certain Growth healing cards, like Leeching Ring.


Kabonk- Good

It's just 1 damage, but that can take down many thing, even if you just need to weaken them with a Kabonk.  And the card draw makes it a very decent card.


Obelisk- Good

One of the most cost efficient walls in the game, this can keep damage off of you in both early and late games.


Thought Trap -Average

You can keep something dangerous and with a 3 countdown off of you for 6 turns, or completely shutdown a clock library... but it's not really better than cards like Draining Mist.  Combos well with Inner Rage.


Transposition- Good

This can put an attacking unit in a better spot, then give you an extra scroll.  Works well to counter binding root and Dydrillic Power's negative effect.


Wings Soldier- Good

3 attack for a 2 cost is very good, but it becomes a big target for sparks and other low cost removals.


Woodland Memorial- Bad

Waste of time.


Fleetness- Excellent

This can turn a heavy hitting creature into a board clearing machine.  This is very deadly when combed with a General.


Plate Armor- Good

This is great for structures and front line units.  Preferably used with units with 3 or more health already.


Refined Strategy- Bad

This only really works with Mangola and Mystic Alter if you're working with Order as your primary.  Even then, it doesn't benefit much.


Roasted Bean Potion- Average

It can counter movement reductions, help Infected Gravelocks move, or just make one of your units extremely versatile. And the heal bumps up the value situations of the card.


Royal Banner- Average

If you have a deck based on Order creatures, then this is a safe bet.  If you're facing someone else that uses order, then it might be useless.  Keep in mind, this will effect your structures with countdowns.  Your Mangolas and Mystic Alters will be very useless with a banner around.


Caller's Bane- Average

It can break down well protected idols and get a stead progression of idol damage over the match.


Crown of Strength- Excellent

It really makes a weak unit valuable, such as utility units like Ducal Skirmishers and Ducal Infantrymen.


Divine Mark- Average

You can get Sinmarked Zealots back if you sacrifice them, or any other valuable card you loose. But this can benefit your enemy if they use a creature with a good effect to kill your unit, like a Sister of the Fox, or Noaidi.  So be careful.


Flip- Average

This can ruin an enemy formation, and get a weaker unit in attack range.  It can also put a useless structure in the back, making that row less maneuverable for enemy units.


Frost Wind- Good

This can set-back an enemy attack by a turn, giving you more time to prepare for your own.


Magnetizer- Good

It attacks every turn, so buffing him can make him a bit more dangerous.  And his default effect is decent to keep a powerful creature at bay.


Pother- Excellent

Ruin an enemy formation, get an extra random move for your own units, and get a scroll in the end.  A very versatile card.


Stifled Advance- Good

Make a powerful unit that you can't get rid of a bit useless.  


Vigor Extraction- Average

Not the same as Stifled Advance since it does not increase base countdown.  But it's a decent way to keep a unit slowed from attacking, and you get a decay, if that's something you strive for.


Decimation- Excellent

It's a great way to finish off / damage a protected idol, and just do over-all decent damage to a row of creatures.  


Faith Chains- Average

Order doesn't have many idol damaging cards, and this one is... decent.  But compared to a Caller's Bane, this isn't that great.


Redeploy- Poor

This is very situationally helpful.  All the times I took this, thinking it would be average... it never did prove to be useful at all.  I'm tempted on calling it bad, but it does have a chance to make an unexpected attack from units on the opposite side of the board.  But my reason for this is that there are so many other things you can doing for 3 cost.


Shrine- Excellent

That one extra health for your units really is useful.  Very good when combos with Stepping Stones.


Speed- Good

Some would call this excellent... and it is in certain situations.  But really, the only cards that gain benefits from this in Order are Mangolas and Generals.  But this with a General is a classic way to get a major attack advantage.  But if you don't have any generals, Iron Ogres, or Clock Libraries... this card isn't as valuable.  Haste can force an attack from almost any of your units anyway.


Tempo Thief- Average

If you think about it, if you're facing anything but Order, your units won't be getting much in the way of sells that increase your unit's countdowns.  It really only works out if you have a Machiniated, Fungify, or if your opponent as a Wildling, Kinfolk Brave, or Eager Scryer.  It's not good with Aging Knight, since your Aging Knight will continue to gain countdown values as he attacks.


Walking Stones- Excellent

This is a great late game wall, blocking heavy damage attacks.  It becomes a bit less useless when three weak creatures attack and break through, but it still will serve you will.  Unless it gets ticked bombed.  It's also good to buff with Crown of Strength, or anything that ups its health value.


Heritage- Excellent

It's a psychological wall, making your opponent hesitant to kill any units given this.  It's almost as valuable as the 2 cards gained.


Mangonel- Bad

It's a lobber that benefits when other Mangonels are in play...But it's not likely that you'll get 2 in your drafts.  It's a heavy hitter, if it ever gets the chance to attack, but it's sooo fragile.  It can be sparked, Zealotted, Burned, lightly attacked... I don't even like it outside of Judgement.  I would avoid this card.  And I'm pretty sure I didn't spell it right up until this point.  


Metempsychosis- Poor

There's not much in order than can benefit from this, except to simply get rid of negative spells and enchantments, or just to reset the health value.  Good for Sister of the Fox, Mangy Wolf, Aging Knight (kind of...), and even Sister of the Owls.  


Mystic Alter- Excellent

Order is really lacking in card draw.  So get this if you can.  If you can keep it alive and spinning, that's an extra card every other turn.  Works great with Fleetness.


Royal Skirmisher- Excellent

Solid value card with relentless.  It can clean alot with focus.


Royal Spearman- Good

Great as a front line unit that can take out many weak units simply by standing there.  Not so effective against Power since most of Power's units are range.


Wings Shield- Average

Very durable with help behind her.  But it doesn't do enough damage to justify the 3 cost.


Ducal Skirmisher- Good

This is less valuable than a Royal Skirmisher?  But it costs more and has more health!  Yea, that 1 health doesn't make up for the 1 extra health.  Still worth a pick-up if you see one.


Ducal Spearman- Poor

It will keep your row protected from melee units, but 1 attack for 4 cost isn't what you want at that point in your game.


Knight Scholar- Excellent

It was 3/2/5 stats, making it solid value for 4 cost.  But if that attack doesn't help you, just draw a scroll.  A great unit to get your card advantage up, and also not very effective with Fleetness if you read the card's print closely.


Wings Captain- Excellent

Solid stats and it helps your units deploy effectively.  It's also the first creature for Order you can summon with 4 attack.


Pushback- Good

This can greatly benefit, or just be 100% useless to you.  This card is very effective against units with enchantments, or just super high costs.  Very fun to use on an Iron Ogre.  The lack of Order's removal makes this card very effective for the faction.


Royal Vanguard- Average

The extra 2 attack for adjacent units is very situational.  That makes him not very effective in attacking with that low-ball 3 attack.  But if you have lots of smaller units in your field, then Royal Vanguard can be very valuable.  But as a unit, it's not very efficient for the cost.


Honorable General- Excellent

It's attack is gimped for the cost, but the 0 countdown for adjacent units is game changing.  Speed, haste, tempo thief, and Fleetness greatly benefit this card.  On its own, it's still good, unless it's alone.


Imperial Resources- Excellent

You get a bunch of stuff for the high cost, but it's invaluable late game when you're low on cards and need a quick boost.  The extra order is very nice, and the healing is just an added bonus.  But don't bother with this card if you're not focusing on order as a primary resource. 




That was like 6 hours of my life gone... SAKE.  This is the longest post I've seen in my life.  But I really hope this helps you with your future drafts!  Comment below if there are any major errors, if you disagree with anything, or something I should change.  Enjoy, and keep on Scrolling.


I will also try and keep this updated with new cards and updates.

Edited by Irenë Hawnetyne, 13 June 2014 - 05:10 PM.

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Posted 03 February 2014 - 12:45 AM


kudos to Pasidon for this awesome avvy and siggy!

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