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Clan Wars Report August 2014

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#1 Echo



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Posted 02 September 2014 - 09:30 PM



"There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath!" August 2014 is the most active BFME 1 ClanWars month since December 2006. With 930 matches logged, we have proven that this game is far away from dying at this point.


Once more, [TG] The Godfather takes the Gold cup with 6752 points, even boosting their already high win percentage of 80% to 82%. Second place and with that the Silver cup goes to ]DA| Dumbledores army who finished this tourney with 6166 points. Third place goes to the one-man clan Int` with 5911 points, taking bronze and ending the top 3. It was a close battle for the top ranks and until the last day, it was uncertain who would rise and who would fall. The final clan standings for the most active CW month for a long time, August 2014, are as follows:




As contested as the clan rankings were the warrior rankings. In the end, ]DA|Hermione claimed the throne with 5217 points, taking the gold cup for August 2014. Close behind him is [TG]Sonny with 4904 points, finishing this month with the silver cup and an amazing win percentage of 85%. Closing the warrior top 3 and taking bronze is Hero|Petrelli with 4705 points. A tremendous battle lead to the final warrior rankings of August 2014:




The faction winners for August 2014 are:


Accept`Remarque - Gondor Gold Cup Winner

]DA|Hermione - Isengard Gold Cup Winner

Accept`Drefan - Mordor Gold Cup Winner

Hero|Petrelli - Rohan Gold Cup Winner


September 2014 has a 2-clan system. Players who want to participate can express their interest on GameReplays and will then be assigned to a clan - either FoL (Forces of Light) or FoD (Forces of Darkness).


Good luck everyone! Can we even top 930 matches?

Edited by Echo, 02 September 2014 - 09:51 PM.


#2 ICT



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Posted 02 September 2014 - 09:56 PM

Awesome activity, paying homage to one of the best games ever ;)



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