Return of Shadow Beta 0.2
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Rivendell is now finally available for play without having to use a game mode code.
The mod now has 7 factions available.
Rivendell plays differently from the other factions it uses a good variety of strong units culminating in some powerful elite units with exclusive upgrades.
As well as the support unit the Lightbearer that can be upgraded to use either Healing, Defensive of Offensive spells.
Beta 0.2 is the first full version release since Beta 0.15 and has a new file structure and updated launcher.
The file size has been reduced as well by trimming as much fat as possible bringing the current size down to 2.5gb from somewhere around 4gb.
A new optional addon is coming soon that will change the look of the game slightly to give a more cinematic look.
The UI has an updated look to match the Return of Shadow theme, even the launcher has been tweaked to match it.
Check out roschangelist.txt for a full list of changes.
Beta 0.2 also includes a small hotfix 0.21 that fixes a few issues I noticed while I was slowly uploading the Beta (it took me about a week to do so).
An installer and old version uninstaller is planned to be released later today.
You can also read the updated manual from the download section.

Return of Shadow Beta 0.2 released
Started by Radspakr Wolfbane, Feb 05 2015 09:53 AM
2 replies to this topic
Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:53 AM
Break dancing into the hearts of millions
Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:21 PM
Such retirement. Looks good, good job!
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