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Member Since 23 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2008 03:15 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: problem with renx

09 November 2007 - 03:34 PM

i exported the skl and it worked fine.
thanks 4 the help

In Topic: lotr.str

17 July 2007 - 04:19 PM

i done that, but it still didn't read the change i made.
i'll try putting it there again, and see whether that works or not

In Topic: New Hero Portraits and CommandButton pictures

14 July 2007 - 03:38 PM

make a reference to the image in mapped images, within the ini file.
look at a tutorial called:
Adding Morthond Bowmen into a mod
go to page 2, that might help as well, but that is only really for the -mod command


14 July 2007 - 03:33 PM

get finalbig, open it
go into bfme 2 folder
go in lang
open english
extract lotr.str to ur data folder,
go in it, and edit some stuff

In Topic: Morthond Bowmen Troubles

14 July 2007 - 03:09 PM

i had the same problem with the arrows, and i couldn't find out the answer, so just leave it because it doesn't make a big difference anyway.

go through the horde creation section again. i didn't do that bit, and they came out individual, when u do that right , they should all come out as a horde.
images: for my portrait i have this:-
MappedImage UPMorthondBowman
Texture = gumorthondbowmen.tga
TextureWidth = 256
TextureHeight = 256
Coords = Left:0 Top:0 Right:192 Bottom:192
Status = NONE
UPMorthondBowman this must be the name of the portrait in morthondbowman.ini
gumorthondbowmen.tga this must be the name of ur portrait, obviously changing it to what ever u called ur image.
hopes that helps out a bit