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Member Since 24 Feb 2024
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2024 10:48 AM

Topics I've Started

Game Crash

17 March 2024 - 02:19 AM

[Hello I am new here recently i wanted to play Battle for Middle Earth 1 to remember the old days. So i have the cd installed, its all perfect,I downloaded the All in one Patch so i can changes patches any time i want. On Patch 2.22 i can play perfect but when i return to 1.06 to play a window pops up.

Also i realise that when i wen't back to 2.22 i had the same error and the only way to fix it is to delete the game and installe it again. I downloaded patch 2.22 is ok i go back to 1.06 i have the game crash returning back to 2.22 and the game crashes again. So the only way to play is to delete the game again.

Attached File  Game Crash.png   10.69KB   8 downloads

Please help me fix it. Thanks

Also my option.ini is

AllHealthBars = yes

AlternateMouseSetup = no
AmbientVolume = 50
AudioLOD = High
Brightness = 50
FixedStaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
FlashTutorial = 0
HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
IdealStaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
IsThreadedLoad = yes
MovieVolume = 70
MusicVolume = 70
Resolution = 1920 1080
SFXVolume = 70
ScrollFactor = 51
StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
TimesInGame = 29
UnitDecals = no
UseEAX3 = no
VoiceVolume = 70

The Three Hunters Bug

24 February 2024 - 03:15 AM

My bug is exactly like the screenshot. Exactly after 1-2 sec the game will shut down without a warning. I need help fixing it or at least take the next campaing save and extract it or i don't know onother solution. I hope someone wll answear soon.





Edit: I just put Shadows from the settingson low and it actually worked. I figure it out from other member that i searched, most of them are saying put shadows on low.