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Member Since 15 Oct 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2009 10:35 PM

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In Topic: China steps up totalinarianism

16 March 2008 - 05:51 AM

Maybe it would've gone unnoticed for a little bit longer but it still would've been exposed. However, if Germany had never invaded other countries the scale on which the Holocaust happened wouldn't even have been comparable. The true horrors of the genocide started when Hitler realized he was losing and instigated the "Final Solution."

I'm really sick of hearing the "it's none of our business" approach. Whether or not it is us, as in the US's responsibility, is not the question. It's a matter of us, as in inhabitants of this world that's the problem. SOMEONE ought to step up, for chrissakes, are we EVER gonna step up? This mentality of "it's none of our business" has killed so many people. Standing by puts the bystander at fault. And with your Nazi statement, you seem to be proving yourself wrong. The "it's none of our business" stance killed countless Jews, Gypsy's, Poles, POWs, Gays, etc. It killed Rwandans, it's killing Darfurians, and it's killing the Chinese, and it's killing people in Appalachia and even New York. A violation of rights is just that, and it must be addressed. I'm glad China is hosting the Olympics, it's drawing some attention to them, maybe now they'll respond, maybe. Anythings better than nothing, at least.

I agree with you. im as well sick and tired of the "it's none of our business" crap. if the US and others were to let dictatorships have it their way, the world would be a terrible place if we didit bud in. and chinese government must know of it's evil deeds and must be brought to justice someday.

In Topic: Parenting vs. Abuse

05 February 2008 - 04:53 AM

I still think it's wrong. using force will not do anything, it only shows that person lacks the values of knowing ones rights.

And children are people to. dont like like they are monsters. because an adult can be the real monster.

In Topic: Parenting vs. Abuse

02 February 2008 - 04:12 AM

Government shouldn't pretend to know how to parent children better than their own parents. It's like those greenpeace maniacs, it almost looks as if it's all in good fate but in reality it's still bullshit.

You do bring a point to it. but lets look at it this way. the government, nor people close to faimlies should not pretend that child abuse is not rampent, but they would just be lying to themselves about parents being perfect and child abuse not being a problem. but it is and actions are being taken to counter it, and when they are about to. people start whining about it.

In Topic: Parenting vs. Abuse

30 January 2008 - 11:46 PM

I think today, the government should get tougher on abusive parents. if we let them get away with all their acts, it will just repeat with their children and grandchildren. this totalitarian way parents are has gone long enough, their just small dictators-in-traning how need some hard time so the nation can be a much better place, its al about respect, if you dont respect a child. how will you expect to get any in return if you dont deserve it?

In Topic: Parenting vs. Abuse

27 January 2008 - 03:45 AM

Fox brings up a very good point. if parents are kept in check. then their be less and less child abuse cases and if they do want that. tough, the law should be passed so it can be stoped. cause do you know how many abusive parents get away with their crimes? alot, and they should have been punished.