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Member Since 11 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 06 2021 07:47 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Suggestions

25 March 2011 - 11:11 PM

Hm. I thought of something to do with the Wyvern; upon MOAB upgrade, have it randomly drop mini-MOABs (maybe 1:3 ratio to normal bombs so it's not too OP, even 1:2 worked out well when I tried it); also, what about having the Aurora Alpha drop a normal high-explosive bomb until MOAB upgrade, and then when that's received, it drops its normal mini-MOAB weapon? (Speaking of that, I don't remember if it was fixed or not for 008 but the AI won't purchase the MOAB or Improved Cluster Bombs upgrades at all.)

In Topic: November update

25 November 2010 - 05:40 PM

Just release it already.

If only it were that easy... but now I think it's even more important to finish up, since Shockwave 1.0 came out yesterday.

In Topic: Red Alert Millenium

22 November 2010 - 01:21 AM

What's awesome is that it says "Quality Member" under his details. How the fudge did that happen? Why is he not only lying to cover his tracks, but CHARGING for stolen work? This is stupid.

Edit; oh, funny, it got changed to something far more appropriate. :p

In Topic: Contra 008-009 Changelog Topic

07 November 2010 - 06:52 PM

Well, Listening Post should have some use other than scouting and detection. It was originally built at WF, so there is no problem building it there.

True. Though personally I'm not sure the Tank Gen's LO should have infantry sit places, since he only has access to 4 individual infantry. I've noticed the Flame General doesn't have any AA infantry, either; same with the Demo Gen. I'm assuming it's supposed to be this way, but I'm not sure why.

In Topic: Contra 008-009 Changelog Topic

06 November 2010 - 07:20 PM

Cancelled changes:
- Listening Outposts were returned to War Factory because they could become rush unit.

This could have worked out if you'd removed infantry sit places from the Listening Outposts (except for the Infantry General, where you could have taken it to 2 sit places instead of 4 to reduce potential rushing problem).

Also, Isnt this going to result in a dozer on a lake that moves from place to place to build outposts?

Building on water is not possible.

He's saying that dozers would cross waterways/lakes where they can't be followed, and potentially build in otherwise inaccessible areas of land. Personally I don't have a problem with that kind of tactic as long as it doesn't exploit a map that has incorrectly set borders so you can't see the buildings.