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Member Since 20 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2011 02:05 AM

Topics I've Started


29 April 2008 - 09:57 PM

Well, those of you who do not know who I am, did not know, I have been making music. Alot, actually, I'm just shy of 50 songs now. I have done Rock, I have done Techno, I have done Rave and I have done D'N'B, but by far I have the most classical music. And its not what your thinking automatically, slow, boring, la-de-da music... No. I'm not boring or old enough to listen to that, so I make somewhat more active music. If you lend me your ear, I promise not to make it bleed. ... Much.

Anyway, I've been told it dosen't sound bad. I've gotten a few responses elsewhere that it was awesome, and only one of my songs has even been mentioned to be below average. Which was my second song, so I guess its understandable. And I need exposure, so, a place well populated like this is perfect. Anyway, onto the Music!

Alt Links Are here

Solo Track - High Tension
Its Rock, its not that short, and its based around a solo. Whats not to like? Still looking for someone who will even try any of my rock songs on a actual guitar though. >_>

Deal with megaupload and thank whatever you belive in that I didn't give you a rapidshit link, because I'm sure you don't want to spend 10 minutes at the ticket section trying to tell one warped cat type from the other.

I can't make a serious thread about my music without mentioning my favorite song of my own...
A Minds Tourment

A City of Bullets
A stab at techno. Feel free to hate it, or love it. Not my main genre, so nya-nyah.

Novacaine Failure Injection
Really, I'd advise you have the lights on before you listen to this. It may relax you, or it might scare you. I'm not sure, it depends on how you handle sounds. Ambeint track, goes well with browsing, chatting, ECT...

A Enternity with one Life
Its epic, its evil, its demonic, its a fight tone. Whatever you want it to be; the only thing it won't do is help you relax after a hard day... it will however, ensure that your good one takes a sudden turn.. Also, this is proof that my main classical is not boring. Very active, especcaily near the end.

Flames, Comments, suggestions, Requests, whatever. Jot them down and reply. Also Note I have far more musak, but I didn't not upload them. If you want more, the easiest way is to add my MSN. Enjoy.


Internet Thoughts

01 February 2008 - 02:11 AM

If a N00b is alone in a forest, is he/she still annoying?

If a Admin will not allow you to clap, what will it sound like if you do?

How much wood, could a woodchuck chuck if it where 1337?

The Escapist

31 January 2008 - 01:35 AM

If your missing some humor in your life, you should take a visit to The Escapist Magazines for a quick bit to See Zero Punctuation by Yahtzee. It will probably be the absolute funniest time you will have with your internet since you realized they put Porn on it.
Posted Image
New Epsiodes every Wend.
Zero Punctuation | Resident Evil Chronicals
Zero Punctuation | Crysis
More Zero Punctuation

Armored Core 4

31 January 2008 - 01:20 AM

Welp, if you have Armored Core 4 ... Post it here. Now, I've gone and got my self banned from XBL because I'm a overral asshole on there, (Yes, apparently you can get banned for that.) And for violating the Terms and Use agreement, [Which I apparently agreed to by buying the damned thing.] So I can't really add you to XBL, but rest assured you'd get owned anyway.

Also Post if your 360 has aquired the RRoD, which I had to actually Fix. [Even longer story.]
Or if you don't have a 360, Bugger off and eat some pie. Ask a Admin for one.

The lines Topic!

30 January 2008 - 11:08 PM

Now, have you played Remix 3, and in the admist of pretty explosion and orginal units, you click on one and you hear thier little voice, and you think: "Gee, That doesn't sound to good."?
Well, here is your chance to -fix- that little slip-up! Post lines of either generic or specific units you feel have been wronged acustically, and we will fix it!

Unit Name
Current Line
New Line
Side and accent that should be used
[Or must supplement in a fashion applicable.]

No Spam Plz[Please]!