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Member Since 24 Jan 2008
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In Topic: Comments & Suggestions for Beta V!

27 January 2008 - 12:53 AM

Its a great mod, in multiplayer stuff its amazing.

But its so damn slow in Living World Campaign and in Campaigns at all, even with 80% regions conqueres, training and building values still the same. Yesterday i took 5 hours to complete just one region in War of The ring. And i have played the game since its release, so im no noon. I could not modify the building values for that, just the multiplayer ones.
Also units move so slow, i know "thats not an action mod", but its too slow in campaigns, something that must be fixed, because at this rate im afraid ill complete my War of the Ring campaign in months. Also training and building takes forever, and i mean forever. To have my base at 100% in WTRc i need at least like 1 hour, and thats just building, if you count upgrades and training its more. And for train siege weapons i need at least 13min for each siege weapon with siege workshops at level 3.
My only choice is to create a lot of siege buildings and train at same time.
The same applies to AI, the create units/building so slow that is very easy for me to RUSH, even the buildings take a lot time to build or upgrade, i can rush easely because training units for me and the AI its greatly slow. Also with the new 200points cost for the builders i can create like 6 builders at time and comence my rush easely. There is no balance in that, "totally slow bulding and traning with low cost builders = total easy rush with a mediun un-upgraded army".
And if you add to that unbalance that the biuldings are virtually undestructuble, well with 6 biulders i can create 6 battle towers at same time and even with a 1000command point army they will not do great damage to my towers, at that point the rush is complete, i just need to create more towers or buildings meanwhile enemy armies are busy with my first towers.
And all of this because its impossible to invade a base with a 100% upgraded and balanced army, units wont do damage to buldings and siege weapons will do little damage to buildings, aldo structures will attack always the siege weapons so its an endless cycle in which i must wait like 20 minutes to have my siege weapons group, in that ammoun of time structures will auto-regenerate, so its virtually useless to try to invade and have a fun game. Instead players are forced to rush-invade bases, so there is no fun on that.
And with the time to train in WoTRc and Campaign, there is no challenge besides destroying fortress and buildings.

Alsop units move so slow, i mean, the sprites move so slow, i really dont care about how fast they move from one point to other, but sprites are very slow. Heroes for example seem like Hulk, giving enourmouse steps; Also units when fighting the move totally slow, if it where "real"(about realism), units should give stocades or attacks like 1 attack :1 second, but now its like 1 attack : 4 seconds. And that for normal units, aka gondor soldiers. Trolls and other units ¿attack faster?, yes they move so slowly(near exasperation and irrealism), but they attack nearly same rate as normal units, example 1 attack : 5.3 seconds. ¿So where is the balance there?
With Sauron i think its ok but not with the other units.

Also i do not like the thing in which you cannot create "hero" like starting army unit in WoTRc play mode. Maybe instead remove it at all, but not to let the icons there just to make the character unplayable in the game, maybe its a bug but it seems deliverate.

Thats for WoTRc and Campaigns. Multiplayer mode its ok, and just has the slow unit sprite and attack things but not the other things i think.

Also i would like to suggest a largest Mumakil Tent, it doesnt fit with the size of the mumakil. It needs to be larger in size and height, enough to train a mumakil inside, because its irreal to train that gigant mumakil in that little building. Also to increase mumakil tent cost.

And besides the slow unit movement/response thing, to implement something like new movements, like automatically dodging attacks for individual units in a squad(if you see a warg comming at high speed you wont stay still, do you?), random attack behavior for individual units(some units defending, some frightened, some blocking attacks, some yeling, whatever) - just like massive software things, not same behavior for all units, they look different now but they have same behavior, thats not realism.

Maybe to include more LOTR songs, and to adjust system to present some songs when there is an heroe doing some specific action or a rush from heroes or a full attack with heroes as key units.

Nazul optimization, when riding the fellbeast, system (Dual core 2, 2 GB ram, 512mb ATI) nearly frozes, because its too much memory and also the nazguls on fellbeast have same behavior because of the memory totally occupied (even swap file), the occupy a lot of memory, 9 nazguls, so its impposible that kind of thing to occur.

I know you hate ROTWK expansion, but system engine its better than BFMEII, maybe to put some thing from that engine in BFMEII. In BFMEII you can see a great thing when you are in map and you confron 2 squads in the middle of the bridges, the move almost as natural, so that kind of engine stuff is the one that ROTWK expansion has, just to implement it overall BFMEII, to be more natural, natural movements and fightins, instead that slow respose system. Again if you want game so be slow, just do not increase movement(from a to b) speed, but increment sprite movement speed, and action speed, and fighting engine speed.

Well that my suggesions for to balance and add more realism to the game.
Sorry for bad english.