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Member Since 08 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2013 09:29 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The never ending war

05 March 2008 - 10:40 PM

*srys havn't posted in quite a while >.< school got to me >.< *
o.0 the nexus laser sat. cannon looks similar to mine.. o.0
:rolleyes: 999 thumbs up lol
umm.. im alittle worried about the balance in the game with that omfglolroflmaowtf cannon ;)
edit: hmmm i fixed my nexus lazer sig.....
idk wat happened to imagecave o.o had to amke another one quick :blush:

In Topic: Coming of Armageddon

13 February 2008 - 04:16 AM

the rest got ultimate tanks rite? im assumin yes but =|
(if it's been said before.. im just too lazy to look up :lol: )

In Topic: Coming of Armageddon

11 February 2008 - 03:41 AM

well now i no the armageddon tank is immune to hacking...
eh i still think the tank needs a small >light< aa just to kill thouse small stuff that'll eventually kill it... like a rocketeer

well it's imo anyway :lol: can't change things that's already done
overall nice super tank =)

In Topic: 2.0 without Orisis

10 February 2008 - 03:45 PM

hmm at a rate of 10 mins per mb im gonna be quite fine =) NOT

eh but i do have my laptop =\ im currently using a wireless connection from my neighbors and it runs quite fast
around 0.6 mb per sec

In Topic: Coming of Armageddon

10 February 2008 - 03:39 PM

1) Dunno. More than one, though.
2) No.

wtf? no?
hmm then it'll be too easy to kill. imagine the scrambler vs it.. scrambler would win soo freaken bad- controlling the amageton tank :p
either that, or bomb with vortex bombers... 4 can already take out a mcv..

eh i wanted anti air =(