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Member Since 01 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 09 2008 02:43 PM

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In Topic: Unreal Rider Project

27 June 2008 - 05:00 AM

Fixed the ammocount problem with the mega rox. Also fixed the issue that you have to click twice the fire button to fire after reloading (problem was if you reloaded an odd number of times, then you had to click fire twice). The fire animation, if you reload and fire, doesn't play complete, though. The second time you fire, it plays complete.

simulated state UR_Reload extends WeaponLoadAmmo
	simulated function BeginFire(byte FireModeNum)
		if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
			if (FireModeNum == 1)
			else if (FireModeNum == 0)
				//LoadedFireMode = ERocketFireMode((int(LoadedFireMode) + 1) % RFM_Max);

	function ReloadAmmmoMegaRox()
		if (AmmoCount < MaxAmmoCount)
			AmmoCount += 1;
	begin :
	if (Role == ROLE_Authority)

It goes to Active state the second time you click on alt fire, the first time it reloads, but does not enters BeginFire. I put the GoToState('Active') inside the reload ammo function, but that makes an infinite loop :O
There should be a better solution, this is working, though.

In Topic: Unreal Rider Project

25 June 2008 - 03:43 AM

I'm still at the same spot. All animations and flashes shows, but no firing.
Bots never go dual wielding, wonder why is that.

If someone has time to check the code, feel free to do it.
I'll give it some more hours tomorrow, but lack of progress is frustrating.

In Topic: Unreal Rider Project

23 June 2008 - 01:51 PM

I have:
simulated state toto
	  if (Role == ROLE_Authority)

And the beginFire also has the same if.
Everytime you click the secondary click, you reload ammo and go back to Active state. I think the problem is that it doesn't change to Active state as it should.

@Luke: there's a test map in content folder where you can find kismet example


The second, sometimes, it takes 2 clicks to pass from the reloading ammo state to the firing state. Seems to be random, can't find the reason yet.

I noticed that too. Method fire is not called the first time you enter the state. To solve that, call method XXfireXX() from BeginState or add a label in the state
state toto

In Topic: Unreal Rider Project

23 June 2008 - 05:04 AM

so many hours, so little progress....

I've updated the mega rox (rocket launcher), 2 known bugs: when your ammo count is 10 rockets and you fire, you get still 1 rocket (you should have 0), that's a miscalculation. The second, sometimes, it takes 2 clicks to pass from the reloading ammo state to the firing state. Seems to be random, can't find the reason yet.

I'm updating the mega link code. You can wield two of them (have to fix the way they are shown), but only the left one fires. The other one does the animation as if it is firing, but you never get to see the projectiles nor the beam. Any idea will be welcomed.

In Topic: Unreal Rider Project

18 June 2008 - 04:12 PM

Had a couple of complicated days, just going back to normal.
Added my msn to my profile, today at 8 pm gmt I'll be at work, but if nothing weird happens I'll be able to chat.