Thanks for the answers! I hadn't thought of the ways you pointed out, thanks! I'll try that then. That's such a pain in the ass that'll go away.
What about the fact it must be an OBJECT upgrade and not a PLAYER one? In the coding I've already done, they're PLAYER upgrades. What does it change exactly? I've realized that using the "ConflictsWith" you can still purchase the other upgrade, but it won't be effective. But even after discovering that, I wanted the button to be grayed out/disappeared so it's wonderful!
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Well, what to say...? I'm a fan of BFME series, with mods of course. I'm a coder, I've worked on a mod for a little time, Battles of the Third Age. If your mod needs a coder, or just help with coding, ask me!
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In Topic: Forbidding the purchase of an upgrade after another specific upgrade has been...
29 April 2012 - 09:16 AM
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