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Member Since 30 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2008 03:48 PM

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In Topic: Make Something Unreal 2008

04 April 2008 - 10:22 PM

What about Allegience, Strategic Weapons, and Death Spree? That's a gametype, weapon set mutator, and another mutator right there!

Allow me to explain :)

This is copied and pasted from my epic forums post: This would fit in Phase 1's Gametype category!

Capture the Flag is fun, and so is Team Deathmatch, but one day I felt like capturing the enemy.

Yes, when you kill an enemy they come over to your team! However, there were a million scoring problems and balance issues to resolve.

I've worked it out completely, and now I have resolved all issues!

I will start work on this as soon as I am able. However, I'm still new to unrealscript as seen in the programming section, the thread I made.

Here is the full idea:
When the game starts, players are placed on random teams that are auto-balanced to be perfectly equal (maybe with 1 more player on one team with an odd number of players)

Next, you fight the enemy the usual way, by shooting them complete with massive amounts of gibs!

However, you die yourself eventually, and you are forced to make a choice...
Do you wait and watch your team fight to the end or do you switch sides to help the enemy, causing you to respawn instantly?

Betray and Respawn or Keep your Allegience and stay dead therefore forced to spectate?

To add to this, you lose 25% of your score for choosing "betray and respawn". This amount is the "betray cost", and from hereon I'll call it "BC".

This is interesting and all, but how do you get a score in the first place?
You get 1 point every second for each living member of your current team. This means that switching teams might be bad if your current team has more live players. Also, since players are technically still on their team when "dead and spectating", you could change this option to "all" instead of "live only". This means you get 1 point per second for ALL players, live or dead, on your current team.

Personally, I prefer "live only" for that option which I will from hereon refer to as "score type" or "ST".

Now, this is the most interesting part: You are only looking to raise your OWN score! You are NOT truly working with other players! You are playing on teams, and you have to help out your team, but in the end you only care about increasing your own score!

The question is this...
Do you keep your Allegience or do you betray your comrades for your own gain? This is why it is called "Allegience"

This is fine and all, but is it possible to have teams-within-teams? Yes.
This is a truly "what the heck" moment, but I thought small groups of players might want to stick together, so I created the "squads" system!

Simply put, you have to stick with your squad's current team. You choose a group of players to stay with, and your squad's score increases instead of your own. This means that there are teams-within-teams!

However, how do you handle team-switching and the question of "allegience or betrayal"?

Well, simply enough, your ENTIRE squad must choose to "betray and respawn" or you will be stuck "dead and spectating". If one of your squadmates is still alive then you will be unable to switch teams because you are only able to "betray and respawn" when you have died!

One final note is this: When all of one team is eliminated, the teams are reset to a completely-balanced state! You may feel bad being the last player to die in this kind of situation, but you may end up "betraying and respawning" or you could simply survive and stay on the winning team. Anything can happen, so don't expect to be the "last survivor" very often at all!

I hope I haven't lost you, but that is my idea. In a nutshell, those who keep their Allegience while the other team "betrays and respawns" therefore switching over to your team, you will always win! And yet... the question remains once your teammates start switching themselves. Keep your Allegience or betray your comrades?

You know how realistic weapons are supposedly "tactical"? They're not. The only tactical features are the tradeoff between accuracy and movement and throwing grenades around corners to avoid getting hit. THAT'S IT! I wanted something that was so strategic that it ended up being a logic puzzle! So I made it.

Designed for Phase 3: Weapon Set but put in the form of a mutator in order to work with multiple gametypes (Preferably my own Allegience gametype)

First: ALL Weapons, Powerups, etc. are replaced with "energy ore" (hereon refered to as "EO") When they collect enough energy ore they simply press the number of the weapon they want to buy, and it is instantly bought and selected! However, exactly WHAT weapons are we talking about?

NOTE: each energy ore pack is worth 5 EO.

Impact Hammer -> Medbot
Prim. Fire: Heal Teammate (+ 10 hp, 1 sec delay)
Sec. Fire: Heal Self (+ 100 hp, 10 sec delay) NOTE: You have to get this weapon out to heal, but that leaves you open to attack!

Enforcer -> Rail Pistol cost: none(start with it) Cost: none (start with it)
Prim.: Enforcer Energy Shot (normal enforcer, blue-colored effects instead of yellowish colored)
Sec.: Chargeable Penetration Shot (goes through walls further the more it is charged, Charge increases damage too. Does up to 75 damage)

Bio Rifle -> Sticky Proxy (Basically acts like bio goo that never dissapates on its own and looks like a spiky ball, could explode rocket-style but not necessary) Cost: 30 EO
P: Straight Shot
S: Arc Shot (for getting over walls etc.)

Shock Rifle -> Shock-R (The Shock Redeemer, the main attacking weapon) Cost: 100 EO
P: normal shock rifle beam Charged up: Instagib Rifle Shot (2 sec. to charge)
S: normal shock rifle core Charged up: Rocket w/ red energy core graphics instead (2 sec. charge also)
THE SHOCK-R COMBO!!! -> Shoot a fully-charged red-rocket-energy-core with a fully-charged instagib shot to create a redeemer explosion! Have one friend charge prim. and the second charge sec. then they can bomb someone out of their place without having to charge for 2 sec. twice!

Link Gun -> Kinematics Gun (Half Life 2 anyone? Pushes and pulls whole people!) Cost: 20 EO
P: Push (just like hl2, pushes once then waits a second to push again. Also, can be used for harmless rocket jumping)
S: Pull

Stinger -> Teky Bow (Turok inspired) Cost: 10 EO
P: Normal Arrow (Acts like Stinger secondary fire, moves faster, damages more, and pushes more when charged; 2 sec. charge)
S: Electric Arrow (On contact this explodes into the impact hammer's secondary fire but in all directions. Bigger explosion when charged for 2 sec.)

Flak Cannon -> Xray Shotgun (See the enemy only when you have it out then own them in the face) Cost: 40 EO
P: Shotgun Blast ( A single very powerful blast that kills in one hit if 75% of the scatter shots hit!)
S: Sentry Turret ( The Shotgun is dropped and set up as a sentry turret that owns enemy passers by in the face)

Rocket Launcher -> Atomic Shield (Like the shield gun if it actually did its job) Cost: 50 EO
P: Deflect Shots (shots simply bounce off you, does not counter explosion splash damage)
S: Absorb Shots (shots AND explosion splash damage, including redeemer explosion, are added to health up to a maximum of 200 health)
NOTE: Use the gravity gun to make them die from falling damage!

Sniper Rifle -> Generator (Gives Invisibility while equipped) Cost: 60 EO
P: Spawn EO Pack ( 1 sec recharge)
S: Suicide and Spawn 20 EO Packs (Suiciding makes you lose all the guns oh no!)

Redeemer -> Upgrader (Gives Invincibility while equipped) Cost: 60 EO
P: Spawn Berserk & Quad (spawns them at the same time in front of you for you or teammate, 10 sec recharge)
S: Spawn Helmet, Vest, Thighpads, and Jumpboots (all at the same time in front of you, 10 sec recharge)
NOTE: The second you unequip the Generator or Upgrader you lose invisibility/invincibility! This means you either are working to help your team by spawning stuff or you are fighting the enemy! You can still quickly get another weapon out to fight at any time though.

These Strategic Weapons could in fact use the original graphics with new functionality, but new graphics would be preferred to enter it in Phase 3's weapon set category!!!

Go on a kiling spree while avoiding falling down! For the Phase 1 Mutator category!

First of all...
All players start with 100 total armor. Your armor amount is the amount of damage it takes to force you to feign death, making you fall. All pickups are left as they are to allow you to restore this armor. The only way to avoid falling down from taking too much damage is to be ducking at the time!

Whenever you do get a kill or you end up respawning, a random item/weapon/powerup is given to you according to a list of 10 things.

This mutator is customizable! Customize how much armor players start out with, whether ducking prevents forced-feign-death or not, and what the 10 things randomly given are(this is similar to ut3's normal weapon replacer menu in look)

In Topic: 5 Week Project

04 April 2008 - 03:54 AM

Can I be the comic relief? :rolleyes: :crazed:

I suggest cinematic camera views if possible since you are doing a custom level!
Make the camera shift position constantly to give the player the best combination of seeing what they need to and cinematic beauty!

I LOVE how metal gear solid does this as well as other games. Basically, you have no control over the camera, but it moves where you need it to and makes things look more like an action movie if you want them too! :p

In Topic: Theme: Upgrade

04 April 2008 - 03:50 AM

I already made min yay! It was in the suprise forum section, but that mutator week is over already.

Hooray for Revenge Spree! :rolleyes:

In Topic: Theme: Surprise

02 April 2008 - 04:18 AM

It looks like I need to add my own suprise mutator!

This gives you a random powerup whenever you get a kill or respawn! I don't know how, but it is somehow self-balancing! I even included the invincibility powerup and yet it's still self-balanced! How!?

since it's random, it fits in suprise week! It could also fit in upgrade since it gives you powerups to enhance your player.

it is here: http://www.savefile.com/files/1472467

code here:

// Mutator: Random Powerup gained upon spawning and getting kills
// Assembled By: THE SPELUNKER
class TWMut_RevengeSpree extends UTMutator;

var class<GameRules> GRClass;

function bool MutatorIsAllowed()
	return (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone);

function InitMutator(string Options, out string ErrorMessage)

	Super.InitMutator(Options, ErrorMessage);

function ModifyPlayer(Pawn Other)
	local UTPawn P;
	local int PN;
	PN = Rand(5);
	P = UTPawn(Other);
	if ((P != None))
			case 1:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTInvulnerability'); break;
			case 2:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTInvisibility'); break;
			case 3:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTBerserk'); break;
			case 4:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTUDamage'); break;


// The actual Game Rules
class TWGR_RevengeRules extends GameRules;

function ScoreKill( Controller Killer, Controller Killed)
	local UTPawn P;
	local int PN;
	PN = Rand(5);
	P = UTPawn(Killer.Pawn);

	if (( PlayerController(Killer) != None) && (P != None) && (Killer.PlayerReplicationInfo != None))
			case 1:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTInvulnerability'); break;
			case 2:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTInvisibility'); break;
			case 3:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTBerserk'); break;
			case 4:		P.CreateInventory(Class'UTUDamage'); break;
	Super.ScoreKill( Killer, Killed);


This was the first mutator that I made without reading a tutorial. In fact, I actually used Ambershee's tutorials on moddb.com to start! I can map from the utIII collector's edition videos! HOOOOOORRRAAAAAAAAAYYYYY! :p :) :D