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Member Since 25 May 2008
Offline Last Active May 25 2008 12:41 PM

Topics I've Started

Hosting Request

25 May 2008 - 12:23 AM

* Project name - Universe at War: War of the Universes
* Desired sub-domain, or your own domain, if applicable - So far none, can i add one later?
* The type of project, and a description.- i am planing on gathering a team together to create the
war of the worlds mod for Universe at War: Earth Assault

* The size of your team- Gathering team at the moment
* Any previous site link -http://www.petroglyphgames.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9988&st=
* Any screen-shots - Sorry, none at the time
* Any miscellaneous remarks - is there a way to add a forum with password attached to it for the modders
and or beta testers to keep the info and downloads private from the public
until ready?
