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Member Since 31 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2008 12:17 AM

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In Topic: Only War 2 Recruitment Thread

02 June 2008 - 12:17 AM


I've read my recent posting again and noticed that "Though I'm average in english (as you might have noticed." sounds really conceited ... but dont get me wrong on this, what I meant to say is that I'm 'only' average. ; )

So leave me your contact information in a PM and I'll let you know when we need to call upon your services.


Till then... keep the work up (Models still look awesome from what I can tell)

In Topic: Only War 2 Recruitment Thread

31 May 2008 - 09:26 PM


as you may guess from my nickname, I'm german and I thought of doing translations for you. Though your work f**ing rocks (from what I've seen) I would like to contribute in the development of this great mod. I love WH40k (as tabletop and pc game) and combined with the power of the C&C3-engine...

So the point is, a mod which aims to be a popular multiplayer mod is going to be widespread. To reach casual players, a version in their native language is the first step to attract them. Though I'm average in english (as you might have noticed. I got a 2 in my A-levels*.) and very good in german I think there is a chance I could produce a good translation of your mod.

I'm unsure if there would be technical problems with two versions of the mod.

(*To those who are not aware of the german educational system, 2 is the second best mark, while 1 is the best, 6 is the worst.)

Please let me know if there is any chance of getting a german Version of 'Only War 2' (or "Nur/Einzig Krieg 2")
