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Relllik (templar21)

Member Since 08 Sep 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 14 2024 02:28 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Running RS with a map i made

30 October 2009 - 09:58 PM

yeah but thsi way, i can give wht the link too or anyone who i ma- *AHEM*, ask to try the map lol

In Topic: Running RS with a map i made

25 October 2009 - 11:39 PM

well, there arent any specefic units that dont convert to somthing else when i start it up..some black eagles...slaves (idk what they became lol) some apocs...and some initiates

and i had it uploaded to file front but i lost the link and cant find it, so ill reupload it and post the link here

anywho, i got the map to filefront now, just extract to RA2 folder http://www.filefront.../luna-base.yrm/ not a big file at all

Merged your posts ~ Ash

In Topic: Running RS with a map i made

24 October 2009 - 07:37 PM

well i didnt edit global values (i cant find em, otherwise they might be edited) ill try it without your mod, it ran fine in version 1.000 so ill try 1001

update: worked just fine, ill try setting your mod to comp mode for XP then do the same for YR

epdate 2: idk why i didnt think of comp mode before...lol it works now...still got a crash later though, but thats somthign that always happend...my maps ready too for anyone who may want to try it