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Member Since 29 Jan 2009
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In Topic: White Scars Master Voice Script thread

20 February 2010 - 12:14 AM

Here you go thudo!

Tactical Squad
Squad description. White Scars are based on Early day Mongols. Try to picture them as SpaceWolves without being Vikings. They are very animal like, Wolfish. Picture them as not just battle worn but weather worn. Heres a good pic of A White Scar Vet Picture. Here is also clip from the movie Mongol Mongol.

Unit_Complete1: White Scar's Ready
Unit_Complete2: Choose your friends carefully
Unit_Complete3: Nothing vast ever enters the lives of mortals without a curse.
Unit_Complete4: If mind is clean, fate is good.
Unit_Complete5: If nothing else needs doing then we can be off.
Unit_Complete6: Come on! there is always a slow one!
Unit_Complete7: We have come at your call.
Selection1: Flesh is stronger.
Selection2: Help first, chat later.
Selection3: Never trust a dog to do a wolves job.
Selection4: Honor is it's own reward.
Selection5: Say it loud enough, and often enough, and we'll believe you
Selection6: Steel is strong.
Selection7: Will is strongest.
Move1: When faced with two choices, always take the third.
Move2: The only difference between a hero and a coward, is the direction in which he runs
Move3: Let a new wind blow through this old place.
Move4: Storm in East, sun in Middle.
Move5: Three steps forward, two steps back.
Move6: We go.
Move7: Like the wind
Attack1: If a White Scar smiles, look to your lives.
Attack2: For the Khan and the Emperor!
Attack3: when you are a hammer: strike!
Attack4: Let a new wind blow through this old place.
Attack5: The knife is quiet, the bowstring is quieter.
Attack6: Do not measure a shroud before there is a corpse.
Attack7: All that pays for blood, is blood.
Capture1: Let a new wind blow through this old place.
Capture2: Union is source of success.
Capture3: Take it from the enemy!
Capped1: Union is source of success.
Capped2: We drink tonight!
Capped3: It is ours!
Load_Transport1: We're in. Move!
Load_Transport2: Help first, chat later.
Unload_Transport1: For the Khan!
Unload_Transport2: Take them quickly!
Morale_Break1: Run! Flee for your lives!
Morale_Break2: Flee, return and fight another day!
Morale_Break3: All is los-aaugh!
Morale_Restored1: Never count a Rider dead until you have seen the body,
Morale_Restored2: A snake sheds an old skin but still he does not go skinless.
Morale_Restored3: Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies.
Charge1: Let a new wind blow through this old place.
Charge2: They can call this filth a warrior but it still cannot fight.
Charge3: If you endeavour, the fate will favour you.
Jump_Teleport1: Kharn, I hate this part...
Jump_Teleport2: Fly!
Deepstrike1: we are the hammer: strike!
Deepstrike2: Aaurgh! We are through!
Ability1: Let me us see you handle this!
Ability2: Prepare!
Ability3: We are VENGENCE!
Ability4: The iron suffers, and becomes a sword.
Ability5: There always are more liberties to take.
Combat1: If a White Scar smiles, look to your lives.
Combat2: Blood is blood no matter who sucks it.
Combat3: Never trust a dog to do a wolves job.
Under_Fire1: Taking fire!
Under_Fire2: Someone silence that gunman!
Under_Fire3: Take cover! they have us!
Damage1: I will cut your neck!
Damage2: Ha! a scratch!
Damage3: We are, taking loses!
Death1: All that pays for blood, is blood.
Death2: For you, my Kharn.
Death3: A halo need drop only 8 inches to become a noose.
Death4: Honor is it's own reward.

Description. A stormSeer in like a sharman. He is more in tune with his natural surroundings and has a greater affinity for the White Scars symbolic Animals and objects. The Wolf, the Horse, the Hawk and Eagle, Wind and water, Thunder and Stone. Picture the StormSeer as an older, wiser White Scar but with just as much (If not more) cunning and battle Lust. He is knowledgeable and calm before battle but becomes a thing of trickery and rage in combat.

Unit_Complete1: Beware the quiet man.
Unit_Complete2: No one can ever repay one's debts to the Emperor
Unit_Complete3: To speak is to sow and to listen is to reap.
Unit_Complete4: The anvil must be patient. Only the hammer can be strong.
Unit_Complete5: If mind is clean, fate is good.
Unit_Complete6: The more you listen the more you give yourself room for doubt.
Unit_Complete7: I am here.
Selection1: We shall kill all those who opposed us.
Selection2: When you are an anvil, you must suffer like an anvil;
Selection3: Steel is strong.
Selection4: Flesh is stronger.
Selection5: Will is strongest.
Selection6: A heretic will lie. It is his nature.
Selection7: The blindness of heart is more dangerous than the blindness of eyes.
Move1: Heading there now.
Move2: I know, Im going.
Move3: They need me there, do they?
Move4: The battle goes poorly there!
Move5: I will aid our brothers
Move6: They need My guidance
Move7: Across the plains.
Attack1: Better a dead enemy than a live one.
Attack2: Honor is it's own reward.
Attack3: The vilest creature in the world is the liar.
Attack4: Three steps forward, two steps back!
Attack5: For the Kharn!
Attack6: The distance between heaven and earth is no greater than one battle.
Attack7: You Face a White Scar, Tremble!
Capture1: We take it.
Capture2: We have need of it!
Capture3: This will aid us greatly.
Capped1: And so it is done.
Capped2: Good, lets move out.
Capped3: The point Belongs to the white Scars.
Join1: Come Brothers, Let us be away.
Join2: Together, We will destroy them.
Join3: I join you in this time of Peril.
Detach1: I will see you at the feast!
Detach2: Run swiftly brothers!
Load_Transport1: Help first, chat later.
Load_Transport2: Ah, Its good to see you brother!
Unload_Transport1: On foot, quickly!
Unload_Transport2: Let us be off
Morale_Break1: I have lost concentration!
Morale_Break2: I am undone!
Morale_Break3: I must retreat!
Morale_Restored1: If you beat a cur, beware of his master.
Morale_Restored2: Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Morale_Restored3: It's difficult to take a wolf cub without bringing in the whole pack.
Charge1: when you are a hammer: strike!
Charge2: The only difference between a hero and a coward, is the direction in which he runs
Charge3: Do not start if afraid, once begun do not be afraid.
Jump_Teleport1: Fly!
Jump_Teleport2: Away like the wind!
Deepstrike1: We are in the clear! move!
Deepstrike2: Beware of the White Scar you cannot see.
Ability1: You face a StormSeer! Feel my power!
Ability2: Witness true power!
Ability3: Aaurgh! BURN!
Ability4: You face a Storm Seer! you can not defeat me!
Ability5: Hahaha, you do not have a prayer.
Combat1: they can call this filth a warrior but it still cannot fight.
Combat2: Let a new wind blow through this old place!
Combat3: Union is source of success.
Under_Fire1: Taking Fire.
Under_Fire2: I cant see them!
Under_Fire3: Move! They are firing!
Damage1: Im not sure how long I can last!
Damage2: Hold them!
Damage3: This will prove interesting!
Death1: The iron suffers, and becomes a sword, My brothers.
Death2: The wind will claim my bones.
Death3: No, not yet, I- aarugh!
Death4: Avenge me......

Some are a bit long but when spoken should sound right. And some are repeated but they sounded so good I couldnt help it, that and they will be said differently for different circumstances. and characters
I didnt add a join or attach because I didnt think they need one.

In Topic: Showcase for new models - NEW Lone Wolf

05 May 2009 - 01:47 AM

Loving the smoothness! Cant wait to rip my fangs into this!

In Topic: Update - Harlequins Beta commencing VERY soon.

07 March 2009 - 02:20 AM

Well I can give several hours a day to the project. Just let me now :p

In Topic: Update - Harlequins Beta commencing VERY soon.

06 March 2009 - 08:18 PM

Im not sure If this post is late, but Im keen to help out! Im a tester for FOK and would be honoured to lend my assistance.