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Member Since 27 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2013 09:26 AM

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In Topic: Mordor

06 June 2009 - 09:01 AM

Your statements can make a little sence to some people but there is simply one problem. if tom was the WK he would be (perhaps disguised) wearing the ring. there is no way he could take it off, than he would be free altogether. even if he could he would probebly die. so if he was wearing it or at least had it with him, frodo should have feld it or seen it while wearing the ring.

my conclusion, if he was ever a survent of either Sauron or Morgoth he most surrtenly wasn't any more.

In Topic: Arnor

22 May 2009 - 06:45 PM

I love the idea of the Banner of Reunited Arnor, Hasufel, exellent! :)

But I got a little confused with the Arnor Armsmen unit, I understand that they're infantry with crush resilience and are surprisingly good against monsters, but I fail to see how they can be good against horsemen and poor against spearmen, logically cavalry are the bane of all infantry, more stronger ones would give them soemthing to think about before sucumbing themselves, but I just find it too peculiar.

Perhaps a converted Spearman unit would be nice.

I object to the idea of another horse-archer unit, swif cavalry from the elves works for me.

I belief you understood me wrong. I meant remove the dunedain horsearchers and give the elves horse archers. then remove elven knights and make arnorien knights at the barracks recruitable. than add spearman to the dunedain barracks, because they really had those in the books.

In Topic: Arnor

22 May 2009 - 01:29 PM

Hasfusel, your Idears sound great and I completly agree with your banner of reunited arnor upgrade. I would like too add though that you should make it quite expencive though, because if you would be able to spam it quickly, with elven and dunedain, it would make arnor pretty OP.

also I would like to add something too the dunedain: spearman.
I read LOTR a few weeks ago and in there it was sayed that alot of the dunedain in the Grey company were carrying spears. it would also solf the 'no good spearman' problem and would give inough units to the dunedain baracks so that you could give the elves horsearchers.

further more, the spearman of the heaven should be made more expensive and more powerfull. they are practicly noldor wariors with spears, and should be alterd to reflect that.

In Topic: The Balrog

10 May 2009 - 04:56 PM

I agree that Sauron should definetly stay but he should be updated. with that I mean give him some more power. with all the new OP attacks of the other factions Sauron should have more than just the meteoor power. he could summon evil monsters or some thing allong the line of that. he had a lot of creatures under his command, way more than is shown in the game or movies.

In Topic: Mordor

02 May 2009 - 11:05 AM

I was reading The FotR the other day and there I found that Gandalf sayed somewere around Rivendell that the nine would be much more powerfull if sauron had the ring. this gave me an Idear. maybe as a bonus when mordor (or MotE) finds the ring and brings it back to the fortress it could give a serious boost too the nazguls power. atleast according to Gandalf that is what would happen. ;)