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Member Since 05 Aug 2009
Offline Last Active Sep 18 2010 09:42 AM

Topics I've Started

Isengard and Wargs

07 August 2009 - 12:26 PM

This mode already contains Sharku, Gothmog with his warg and Warg Riders. Will be there...

1) Riderless Warg Pack? They are in RotWK and they are flavorful, but they wasn't in film.( Saruman send riderless wargs to stop Rohan when they travelled into Helm's Deep)

2) Warg Hero? Hero without rider, of course. Not Sharku. An Old Great Warg was at East Emnet in rock cave, in the hive of wild wargs, and he was killed shortly before battle in Helm's Deep. I think wargs that onslaught Rohan mens travelling to Helm's Deep was recruited from this hive, and Old Warg, leader of hive, has been slain in the battle.

Will be Old Warg apart of Isengard?( resp. Goblins, or an Inn Hero)