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#782429 Elven Heroes

Posted by isledebananas on 07 January 2010 - 10:58 AM

I really feel odd making all these new topics but I just wanted to write these all down before I forgot them. First thing about my list is that I firmly believe that Galadriel and Elrond should be relegated only to summons. I remember in Rhovannion Alliance they decided to remove these two completely due to the fact that one they were too strong and two didn't take part in much fighting. I thought that is a bit drastic so believe they should be relegated to summons. The summons could be from the fortress and cast in an area. Galadriel only around Celeborn and Elrond only around Arwen, Elladan, and Elrohir.

Also, I'm really debating if Arwen should even be in the game I mean she really didn't do much in the movie and even less in the books. I'm also upset that she stole Glorfindel's awesomeness in the movie. Seriously I can understand the Nazgul being afraid of Glorfindel(he beats up Balrogs and that's before the Valar buffed him) but Arwen ... come on.

Galadriel - Lady of the Golden Wood ( Uber Siege orientated hero ) starts at max level
Its stated that among the Elven Women she was tallest and perhaps physically strongest and was a good warrior so I think she needs to be redone and given a cool sword and armor. Powers:
Ring of Adamant - Gives Galadriel massive armor boost for a time making her nearly invincible
Nenya(Purifying Rain) - it rains(no clouds still sunlight) around Galadriel that heals allies at a fast rate(not as good as Athelas) and negates enemy auras and removes tainted land lasts for a duration. The area of effect will be huge.
Nenya(Ethereal Mist) - similar to Enshrouding mist; but it is locked to her where she goes it goes; gives stealth to allies, and reduces vision(almost nothing includes detectors) and attack range of units and buildings
Hand of the Eldar - similar to wizard blast but weaker against units better against buildings and can be cast at far greater range
Craft of the Noldor - drains hp from buildings in a cast area similar to lightning sword but only buildings and siege(ballista, rams, Mumaks, Grond, not Trolls) and not as strong but she can't do anything else while casting this; passively gives anti-aura against enemy buildings reducing their armor significantly

Celeborn - Lord of Lorien Powers:
Lord of the Golden Wood - huge aura that gives lots of armor and some attack, also boosts experience
Wisdom of the Eldar - aura that speeds ability timers of others in an area around him(yes rip from TEA) or could be a fast recharge(this ability) cast by target or area cast with slow recharge(this ability)
Swiftness - gives Celeborn increased movement, attack speed, and spell immunity for a duration
Enthralling Woods - casts ability that decreases the movement and attack speed of enemy units, perhaps this can be similar to Elven wood but a negative version and would be differentiated by maybe golden trees
Hand of the Wise - cast on allied units removes anti-auras and duration spells on targets

Glorfindel - an Elf Lord of Great might Powers:
Revealed in Wrath - similar to Horn of Gondor but he starts glowing and also affects heroes save the Maiar and other great Elves, or he glows and causes fear in a radius around him similar to Elendil but they don't run just cower like HoG
Will of the Valar - anti-aura that greatly decreases enemy armor and somewhat enemy attack; removes enemy anti-auras
Wind's Fury - increases his movement and attack speed and adds some armor also allows him to knockback enemies while moving like trample even if on foot
Undying Strength - his blade glows and then he gets an increase to attack damage plus he can't be killed during this move; note not invulnerability he can lose hp but not below a certain small number maybe even 1 hp
Mount - same as always

Haldir - Captain of Lorien
Toggle - same as always
Captain of Lorien - aura boosts unit sight and archer attack range, also boosts experience gain
Twin Arrows - same as vanilla Legolas arrow shot
Lorien Cloak - he is stealthed while standing still

Thranduil - King of Mirkwood I really think Thranduil needs to be redone so he is both ranged and melee. Powers:
Toggle - same as always
King of Woodland Realm - stealth aura that affects units as long as they aren't moving including himself
Keen Eye - decreases his attack speed by a little but greatly increases the damage output, melee and ranged
Master Woodsman - can attack while he is stealthed only next to trees
Bane Thorn - this will be a percent attack; meaning the target will lose a percent of their hp;ignores armor values

Legolas - Prince of Mirkwood Powers:
Hawk Strikes - increases vision and attack range by a huge amount, but at the cost of a lot of attack rate for a duration
Toggle - toggle instead of knife fighter (since Zeta is right)
Battle Knowledge - cast on units that gives them an increase in damage for a short while
Arrow Wind - same as always

Arwen - Evenstar of the Elves Powers:
Undomiel - aura that heals like a fountain and gives fear resistance
Mount - same as always
Swift Riding - increases her speed and trample when riding
Light of the Evenstar - causes enemies to run in fear

Elladan - One of the Twin Sons of Elrond He will have two swords. Powers:
Might of Brotherhood - gives an aura that increases the armor and movement speed of Elrohir also heals faster
Strength of the Half Elven - Elladan gets an increase to damage for a short time
Mount - same as always
Fighting Spirit - cast on targets increases their attack speed

Elrohir - One of the Twin Sons of Elrond He will have one sword. Powers:
Might of Brotherhood - gives an aura that increases the armor and movement speed of Elladan also heals faster
Agility of the Half Elven - Elrohir gets a boost to attack speed for a short time
Mount - same as always
Fighting Spirit - cast on targets increases their attack speed

Elrond - Lord of Rivendel starts at max level. Powers:
Vilya(Tornado) - great against units and somewhat good against buildings
Vilya(Gale Winds) - cast on an area and greatly slows enemy attack rate and movement(makes archer fire impossible) is a cast spell similar to lightning sword meaning he can't do anything else while this is being cast
Lord of Imladris - aura greatly increases attack rate and slightly increases attack
Lore Master - cast ability that greatly weakens spell effects around him(duration & damage) and greatly reduces enemy unit/hero recharge times around him; though its cast it works like an aura around him
Ring of Sapphire - cast ability that increases the recharge speed of spellbook abilities; while this is being cast Elrond's other spells recharge slower