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Member Since 25 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active May 27 2020 06:34 AM

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Connection Issue

09 May 2020 - 03:25 AM

Using server nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Bound to local port 50427
Bound to local alternate port 50428
Resolving hostname 'nntest.cnc-online.net'...
Resolved server host to be ''
Sending client INIT from port 50427 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server INIT [521458]
Our public address is
Sending client INIT2 [521458] from port 50428 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server INIT2 [521458]
Our alternate public address is
Sending cient START [521458] from port 50428 to nntest.cnc-online.net:30000
Received server START [521458]
Server extra port is 40000
Sending client PING [521458] from port 50427 to nntest.cnc-online.net:40000
Received server PING(2) [521458]
Received server PING(3) [521458]
Received server PING(4) [521458]
Received 3 pings from nntest.cnc-online.net:40000.
NAT negotiation works with your router and connection.
==> You do not have to use port forwarding.
Press any key to continue . . .
I used the Test like suggested hopefully this helps.
I can get into a lobby with a friend but it has the connection failed icon out beside their name and I can start a game. It try letting them host and it once again says connection failed they can join other peoples games though so its me I can't figure out what it is. I've made all permissions through firewall as well.