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Member Since 15 Apr 2010
Offline Last Active Jun 24 2010 09:54 AM

Topics I've Started

Troll Locomotor

11 June 2010 - 05:35 AM

Hey. Been trying to get trolls to run using the tutorial. It just won't work!? Okay, so I did this:

Object MordorMountainTroll
Locomotor = TrollLocomotor
Condition = SET_NORMAL
Speed = 99

My game didn't crash but it didn't do anything either. Can someone please help me out?


PNG Mangi

Add Module

24 May 2010 - 07:40 AM

Can anyone please explain to me how Add Module works and how to use it?


PNG Mangi

Building Command Set

23 May 2010 - 04:11 AM

Hey. I have figured out how to edit this. I have this:

Object IsengardArmory
CommandSet = IsengardArmoryNEW
BuildCost = 1000
BuildTime = 1.0

CommandSet = IsengardArmoryNEW
1 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyIsengardFireArrows
2 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyIsengardForgedBlades
3 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyIsengardHeavyArmor
4 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyIsengardBasicTraining
5 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyMordorFireArrows
6 = Command_PurchaseTechnologyMordorBasicTraining
7 = Command_Sell

All the icons show up in the Isengard Armory but I can only do the Isengard upgrades. THe Mordor ones are unavailable. Anyone know how to fix?


PNG Mangi

Building Foundation Command set

19 May 2010 - 06:15 AM

Hey. Just trying to do this but it doesnt seem to be working.

I have this:

CommandSet GondorFoundationCommandSet
1 = Command_ConstructGondorFarm
2 = Command_ConstructGondorBlackSmith
3 = Command_ConstructGondorBarracks
4 = Command_ConstructGondorArcherRange
5 = Command_ConstructGondorStatue
6 = Command_ConstructGondorStable
7 = Command_ConstructGondorWorkshop
8 = Command_ConstructGondorMarketPlace
8 = Command_ConstructGondorWell

And I get this except instead of a well, I get another workshop and moarket place. How do I fix?

Also, I have this:

Object GondorStatue
BuildCost = 1000
BuildTime = 1

Object GondorWell
BuildCost = 1000
BuildTime = 1

Object RohanHeroStatue
BuildCost = 1000
BuildTime = 1

Object RohanWell
BuildCost = 1000
BuildTime = 1

I tried in game and it is at the normal build speed. Although I realise I dont want the build time to be at '1', how can I change it?


PNG Mangi

Sciences (Spellbook Powers)

09 May 2010 - 02:48 AM

Hey. I am trying to create a new option of powers for a map I am making but have no idea how. I tried reading tutorials but they are confusing. Is it just a matter of going:

CommandSet GondorSpellBookCommandSet_Override
1 = Command_SpellBookScavenger
2 = Command_SpellBookHeal
3 = Command_SpellBookElvenGift
4 = Command_SpellBookAnduril
5 = Command_SpellBookElvenAllies
6 = Command_SpellBookRohanAllies
7 = Command_SpellBookGandalftheWhite
8 = Command_SpellBookWarChant


Or is there more to it then that?

Any help would be much appreciated! :p

PNG Mangi