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Sir Gawain

Member Since 21 Oct 2003
Offline Last Active Oct 26 2003 05:35 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: H Bomb

21 October 2003 - 01:29 AM

The hydrogen bomb consists of an atom bomb with deuterium and tritium compounds like lithium deuteride etc. Fission bomb is first triggered so that temperature in the assembly is raised to several million degrees (between 10 -100 million degrees). At these high temperatures deuterium and tritium start reacting with each other to form a helium atom and 14.6- MeV neutron. As you can see that it produces a stable atom of helium and a fast-moving neutron. This neutron can react with other atoms in the environment. For example, it can react with nitrogen-14 to give carbon-14.(a radioactive isotope of carbon). One can produce additional number of radioisotopes as well. In short, in addition to fission products we also have neutron-induced radioisotopes. These are also dispersed along with enormous amount of energy in the environment.

This types of bomb has been tested by many nations in South Pacific and in Siberia from 1952 to 1963. Generally, a hydrogen bomb is 100 to 1000 times more distructive than a fission bomb.

In Topic: google bot

21 October 2003 - 01:24 AM

Theres spiders/bots are listed as quests with IPB 1.2:
Microsoft / Hotbot 
Ask Jeeves
What U Seek

Google is always here cus it's the best. I've not seen any of the others yet.

Maybe we should play SpiderMon. Got'a see 'em all  :)

You need to submit the site to get the other ones to come around.

In Topic: Quotation Thread

21 October 2003 - 01:23 AM

It's not a Tumor!

-- Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

In Topic: Ads by Google

21 October 2003 - 01:21 AM

So do you need a big website to have Google ads or something? Because they didn't like my site <_<

In Topic: WC3:FT

21 October 2003 - 01:10 AM

I like FT, but I seem to play the custom maps more than the normal ones. I just seem to love TD games.