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Member Since 30 May 2010
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29 July 2012 - 02:02 AM

So, let me get this cleared out:

The USA is focused on speed and survivability at first. With units like the Stryker and the Bulldog, they can mount small strikes, destroy a few things, then run away before they die. Armor isn't too great though. Later on, this is phased out to raw firepower while keeping survivability. The Abrams has a very powerful cannon that can destroy most tanks, and a laser cannon that can fry infantry. The Aeroblaze shoots Jets out of the sky before the pilots even have a warning light. This comes at a cost however as support powers for unit support are non-existent.

The EU is focused on firepower at first. The Archon and Cavalier are armored and strong for a teir one unit. They can mount quick assaults on bases earlier then most. However, these units are more costly then counterparts. Later on, this is phased out for support powers. Prism tanks and Thor Gunships can supplement Cavaliers and Charons, and Comet fences and Force Shields can keep the base safe. However, only the Prism tank has a long range, and it is extremely weak. The EU is also the most costly faction.

The Pacific Front is focused on Mobility at first. Hover tanks and cheap Mechas can spam the battlefield, using normally inaccessable terrain to their advantage. Speed and Armor is sacrificed however. Later on, this is traded in for Range and Versatility. The Blizzard tank can freeze almost all ground units, while the Zephyr can cover the whole map to destroy a target. The Battle Fortress has Full Versatility, able to change roles with just some infantry swapping. Lack of a good Battle Tank gives them a rather severe weakness however.

Based on what I have been following in the mod for a while, this is what I am getting. Is what I am getting right?