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[BIO] Israeli Red Dragon

Member Since 07 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 20 2013 10:55 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Black Market Gen needs Gen Point Ideas

02 December 2004 - 09:25 PM

Here's an idea:

Why don't give him an upgrade to steal an army's general point (random, eg 2 A-10 , 30 secs spectre, EMP, nuke cannon..) It was supposed to be in Generals/ZH for China, as a purchable upgrade I think, but EA cut it off... But I have the voices that show that it was supposed to be there..

ps - good mod over there

In Topic: Energy Mod v5.0 Finally Released!

07 November 2004 - 07:04 AM

Hiya.. im new to these forum...

First things first:
Great mod, and i really like it (i cant beat the first mission with the 5 seals only since its oil derricks are waaay too protected to get them down, but ive used the chinhook as a transport (if you catch it before it drops the seals down :laugh:) around the map so thats how i know where everything is... Also the first Team Vs Team mission when im USA vs the chinese.. the supplies are... lol... well.. Chinese??? So thats why im not getting the 'You are victorius' message lol..

okay nvm found the Gravity Cannon on the inf general.. bad that tank general doesnt have it lol..

Again, great mod and im looking forward to the next part of it.

thanks again :laugh: