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Member Since 24 Jun 2010
Offline Last Active Oct 02 2010 12:30 PM

Topics I've Started

Lord of Middle-earth! rotwk!

28 June 2010 - 09:02 PM

i'm creating a hero and i need serious help!

the hero will have skin+skelet of a hero of the west+armor+fire sword+efects,

will be able to switch to a cah wizard(avatar) skin+skelet+fire efects+firestaf,

will be able to transform to cah troll+efects and gwaihir+efects,

will be able to switch to golden armor skin of hero of the west+efects,

and all these clases will have apropriate powers+++some extra powers.

i've managed to do all mentioned above, except the part where the toggling of the commandsets starts in...

i've tryed everything but how do i toggle 4 sets and not fuck up something???

P.S. hero of the west will also be able to mount on his horse+++powers

do you have any sugestions???