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#1055383 Help out a noob. [Russia vs USA & Last Bastion]

Posted by aethiraes on 26 March 2017 - 07:17 PM

You might also want to take advantage of Russian paradrops as well if the enemy doesn't leave defences or units.


Rhino drop is arguably more effective than American Infantry + Bloodhounds. Basic tanks have a decent punch when they're massed, but it may be hard to sneak them in if they're slow, but paradrop solves this problem.


If the enemy is paradropping you back, Terrors + Dogs usually solves the problem. Paratroops is $1200, dogs are $100 and bloodhounds are $1800 while terrors are $500. It's relatively cheap to counter if you have 8 or so dogs and 2-3 terrors. 


If you aren't aware already, the four main factions (generally) fall under certain specialisations.


Soviets - Tanks

Allies - Balanced, but focus on Airforce

Epsilon - Infantry 

Foehn - Mostly balanced


So keep up your flak troops and wolfhounds. Allies will always get a better airforce and you need to counter that. Wolfhounds are great in that they are extremely versatile, they can fight infantry, armour, and air. US Aeroblazes on the other hand, are strictly anti-air and about the same cost as an Abrams. If you've forced the enemy to build Aeroblazes, they have one less Abrams to strengthen their ground forces. Meanwhile, Wolfhounds still have decent effectiveness against ground threats. 

#1050150 Poll: Which is the least competitive faction in MO 3.3?

Posted by aethiraes on 08 February 2017 - 03:14 PM

Boidmachine is too weak. I think it's range so be increased so it can target people in a completely different match.

Also can we buff MADMAN so it's subterranean.

#1047189 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by aethiraes on 16 January 2017 - 02:57 AM

In Godsend, the Allied Shield Commands projected force shields onto nearby targets.


It would interesting to have Shield Commands project a miniature force shield or defensive buff around itself when Force Shield is activated. 


And just to make it uniform for all Allied subfactions, Mercury Uplinks could have their own bonuses when you build multiple. I can't really think of any good examples, but I'll throw a random one out, each Uplink gives a bonus mercury strike charge up to maximum of 3.