Thank you Very much I figured out that issue and got it fix, now instead of a few waves of tanks i can easily destroy im getting my ass handed to me.!!
Aside from this both tank and Airforce work fine, but I have to say Demo may be bugged still,he now masses infantry out the butt and a few vehicles but doesn't advance far from there, and the worker vehicles workers dont gather.
So yeah No idea
But thanks again!
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Member Since 04 Sep 2010Offline Last Active Sep 20 2010 10:14 PM
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In Topic: BETA 0.75 BUGS
14 September 2010 - 04:31 AM
In Topic: BETA 0.75 BUGS
11 September 2010 - 06:36 PM
i have a problem too ... when i try to start a new game units aren't worked except china tank gen. only china tank general works on own way, just it fights with me and other generals' buildings don't improve. I have seen this problem before, however; i don't remember how we could fix this problem. Please, help me
If you have a "The First Decade" version make sure you've removed the extra INIZH.big from the data/ini folder
Not to seem like a total idiot and I know this is a very late post but um... My TFD Did not have that file in the Ini file, it didnt when i first installed it off the disk so... No idea whats wrong but I have the exact problem, Demo gen Ai just builds the barracks the odd tunnel and that's about it aside from ammasing a horde of workers and on the odd very rare occasion attacking with Sui bombers and a supply vehicle/building, O.e<---twitchy eye.
I Dont know about you but i dont remember the supply truck having to be built on the ground lol. Very weird
as for the Tank gen Ai, it builds but it doesn't advance it self, It will not place tanks in the tank bunkers when it builds them, and it does not pick any Tech for its turret defense platforms, so literally all you get is a mass of empty bunkers and hexagons on the ground
I think the AI arnt properly reading the fact they have tech options available to them to upgrade not only their tech tree but there defenses and units so, dont know if its just me or the mod but yeah.
Further more I don't think the currently "Finished" Ai are completely all at home, so to speak lol
Yes I realize this is a Beta and its still under development So i realize there are going to be bugs, But i felt i should explain some issues.
In Topic: Mapping
06 September 2010 - 07:25 PM
I see, well I could add in the units from contra so something musta worked right. Ah well, Thanks for both replies, its nice to actually get help from an active forum for once
Thanks again, peace From Canada!
Thanks again, peace From Canada!
In Topic: Mapping
04 September 2010 - 11:04 PM
Aggh!!! /rage...
So much time spent on this map only to be shot down...
It seems that after i made my map (still work to go on it) The Skirmish players..Dont include the extra Gen's like GLA Assault and China flame, Cyber USA, all of that... >> Point and fact, that is a major piss off. I couldn't get the IN GAME button for the world builder of contra to work so i supplemented with ZH's world builder.. Now I'm not sure if i actually need to add them as my already made map works fine with those gens so This may be a waist of time But I just want to be sure.
Please and Thank you.
So much time spent on this map only to be shot down...
It seems that after i made my map (still work to go on it) The Skirmish players..Dont include the extra Gen's like GLA Assault and China flame, Cyber USA, all of that... >> Point and fact, that is a major piss off. I couldn't get the IN GAME button for the world builder of contra to work so i supplemented with ZH's world builder.. Now I'm not sure if i actually need to add them as my already made map works fine with those gens so This may be a waist of time But I just want to be sure.
Please and Thank you.
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