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Member Since 24 Nov 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 11 2008 12:05 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Invader ZIM!

19 January 2007 - 08:48 AM

lol, it was good after at first but after my mate started watching over...and over again. I got annoyed by the constant screaming :p
Girs still funny though

In Topic: Why the hate?

23 September 2006 - 02:03 AM

Its like a disney film if they made weird porn. It conveys a valuable message without randy numans crappy music

In Topic: Why the hate?

22 September 2006 - 10:07 AM

I will choose success before I see failure.

My sentiments exactly. Id rather play before I criticize.

And EA doesn’t bother me all that much, they’re just like any other big company trying to succeed in business. They do dub down their games somewhat but its only so they can open up the game to a larger target audience and hence, make more money. Its understandable and as long as they give decent modding support I’m fine with it. If I’m unsatisfied with a game I can change it to my own liking.
They aren’t nuns, they wont wipe your arse for you with quilted bog roll. They're cost savvy. They'll send you out to the dunny with cheap roll and a newspaper. I don’t blame them, I wouldn’t touch your arses...much.

In Topic: Steve Irwin Death

04 September 2006 - 08:36 AM

Heard bout this earlier today. Sure hes a nice guy n all but if he wasnt asking for it...
Rays are placid as, poisonous for when theyre provoked but when left alone: placid. To get a reaction like that youve got to stand on it, which, shows you he was doing what he was renowned for. Jumping on shit. Its the equivalant of a fat kid hitting a bee hive with a stick.

Like I said, he was a nice guy, did a lot for conservation and generally a stand up bloke. Just could have done the conservation part the way Attenborough does.
May he rest in peace, he will be missed.

In Topic: opening w3d files

21 April 2006 - 11:29 AM

You have to download the renegade mod tools which can be found here:

You will be able to view the w3d files extracted from the Generals .big files using the w3d viewer.
