That's not good. That means we did nerf the MiGs, but forgot to add more of them to destroy the Nuke Silo. It's best you just skip this mission till we have it all fixed in 3.0.
Ah okay, how can I skip ahead of it? It's distressing me now haha.
Welcome SeamyWham. What you have there sounds like a mistake on our behalf. Could you do the mission a few more times if it isn't too much trouble to see if it isn't a fluke?
Thank you, yeah sure thing I'll keep trying at it. I guess the MIGs are meant to destroy it or the Amplifer is meant to activate?
EDIT: Tried it three more times, all the times I just get killed despite I complete the objectives. :(
I've got a problem with the fourth Soviet mission. Twice now I complete the objectives, capture the Bio Reactors, destroyed the defences around them and the barracks, and got protection of my base and Amplifer etc. and yet after a clip of Yuri I'm unable to control, MIGS come in and damage the Nuke yet I get nuked, unable to stop it and I fail the mission. I completed the objectives, yet I fail. Am I missing something out? :/