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Member Since 12 Nov 2016
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2016 02:20 AM

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In Topic: Contra 008 Error Instant Victorious After 3 Sec of Playing

12 November 2016 - 05:47 PM

How i fixed it :
note: - idk it will work for you, but it's work for me

         - backup original file
         - my toaster running on Win10 64-bit



1. Change (Options.ini) in My Documents>C&C ZH Data

AntiAliasing = 1
BuildingOcclusion = yes
CampaignDifficulty = 1
DrawScrollAnchor = yes
DynamicLOD = no
ExtraAnimations = yes
Gamma = 50
HeatEffects = yes
IdealStaticGameLOD = high
LanguageFilter = true
MaxParticleCount = 5000
MusicVolume = 55
Resolution = 1366 768
Retaliation = yes
SFX3DVolume = 79
SFXVolume = 71
SawTOS = yes
ScrollFactor = 150
SendDelay = no
ShowSof****erEdge = yes
ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes
ShowTrees = yes
StaticGameLOD = Custom
TextureReduction = 0
UseAlternateMouse = no
UseCloudMap = no
UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no
UseLightMap = yes
UseShadowDecals = yes
UseShadowVolumes = no
VoiceVolume = 70
2. Delete all files inside Data>Scripts folder

3. Switch Contra Launcher compatibility to Vista (SP 2)
4. Switch Generals.exe (Zero Hour) to XP (SP 2)

5. Replace (game.dat) with (game.dat) no cd fix from gbw. (Zero Hour 1.04)


Hope it helps...

In Topic: Contra 008 Error Instant Victorious After 3 Sec of Playing

12 November 2016 - 05:23 PM

I don't know how i fixed it and the problem now is solved, but i'm encounter another bug during gameplay AI (GLA) seems just stashing supply and not building armies (just build one barracks)