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Member Since 07 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2011 07:13 AM

Topics I've Started

Mounted heroes like Boromir, Legolas, Haldir...

26 October 2011 - 07:20 PM

Hi men
Can you say me what everything need change?
I know that I must add Model and animations for example from theoden to ini of my hero whose should by mounted, but what else?
commandset.ini and Is there neede to bind something or not? Thanke you for you posting. :)

Problem with applying texture

18 October 2011 - 11:30 AM

Hi all,
Sorry If I getting on your nervs guys, but I am disappointing about that. Sauron model from edain mod is great, so I want it use for me and my friend...I added it to asset.dat and w3d and it works fine (with glorfindel_skl and animations), but it has no texture. Or more specificaly only one part of texture is showing. I dont know what is wrong or what I must to do. I tryed add code to hero.ini : RandomTexture = musauron.tga, but it doesnt work. I can add some screenshots how it looks like if it is importent to solve a problem.
I will be very greatfull for your help and your time.

Ok To Change Model Color = No

10 October 2011 - 08:13 AM

Hey All
How you can see when I set "OkToChangeModelColor = No" non upgraded units have basic color of texture (no this one which you choose before starting game) but when I have purchased heavy armor and upgrade them, color has changed as I chose before starting game...for example blue color. How can I switch it of? Please can someone help me? I will by very greatfull if you show me a way. :)

Morgul Sorcery and dying wallhub

14 September 2011 - 12:42 PM

As I wrote in topic title morgul sorcery dont work in right way. When I build walls first and than I make upgrade Morgul sorcery it is not used. Fortress has it but walls not, only if I build new one, which are builded after buying upgrade morgul sorcery. Do you know what is with that. And other problem is, that when the wallhub is destroyd it is not fall down only disapear. Is it possible that animation od dying is not active or something that. Thank you for your advice, I realy hope you will Help me. Have a nice day modders. :)

Balrog as Hero

09 September 2011 - 12:49 PM

I create upgrades for balrog;s powers :
Upgrade Upgrade_HeroMode
  Type				= OBJECT

Upgrade Upgrade_BalrogScream
  Type				= OBJECT

Upgrade Upgrade_BalrogBreath
  Type				= OBJECT

Upgrade Upgrade_BalrogWings
  Type				= OBJECT
And codes in my balrog.ini looks like this
  	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_IgniteStarter                      
		SpecialPowerTemplate      = SpecialAbilityHeroMode
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = Yes
		StartsPaused              = Yes
		;InitiateSound           = 
	Behavior = HeroModeSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_IgniteUpdate   
		SpecialPowerTemplate    = SpecialAbilityHeroMode
		UnpackingVariation		= 1

		UnpackTime              = 1800 
		PackTime                = 1600

		AwardXPForTriggering    = 0
		HeroAttributeModifier = BalrogIgniteState
		HeroEffectDuration = 30000
	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_ScreamStarter                      
		SpecialPowerTemplate      = SpecialAbilityBalrogScream
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = Yes
		StartsPaused              = Yes
		;InitiateSound           = 
	Behavior = ModelConditionSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_ScreamUpdate   ; So the difference in SpecialPower is that it takes timing from this UpdateG, instead of simply firing.
		SpecialPowerTemplate    = SpecialAbilityBalrogScream
		UnpackTime              = 1500 ; Drawing the horn
		PreparationTime         = 1   ; nothing
		PackTime                = 1800 ; Putting horn away

		AwardXPForTriggering    = 0
		WhichSpecialPower = 1
	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_BreathStarter                      
		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityBalrogBreath
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack	= Yes
		StartsPaused                    = Yes
		InitiateSound			= BalrogSpecialPowerRoar	;this plays on right-click target, not when Balrog leaps

	Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_BreathUpdate   
		SpecialPowerTemplate    = SpecialAbilityBalrogBreath
		UnpackTime              = 1300 ; Drawing the horn
		PackTime                = 3700 ; Putting horn away

		AwardXPForTriggering    = 0
		StartAbilityRange = 40.0
		SpecialWeapon = MordorBalrogBreath
		WhichSpecialWeapon = 1
	Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_LeapStarter                      
		SpecialPowerTemplate		= SpecialAbilityBalrogWings
		UpdateModuleStartsAttack	= Yes
		StartsPaused                    = Yes
		InitiateSound			= BalrogSpecialPowerRoar	;this plays on right-click target, not when Balrog leaps

	Behavior = WeaponFireSpecialAbilityUpdate ModuleTag_LeapUpdate   
		SpecialPowerTemplate    = SpecialAbilityBalrogWings
		UnpackTime              = 1733 ; Drawing the horn
		PackTime                = 1160 ; Putting horn away

		AwardXPForTriggering    = 0
		StartAbilityRange	= 800.0
		ApproachRequiresLOS = No
		SpecialWeapon		= MordorBalrogLeap
		BusyForDuration		= 3000 ; don't accept any AI for this long... ai commands will be queued
		WhichSpecialWeapon	= 2
And experiencelevels.ini is here
ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel1
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    1    
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL1_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    1
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel2
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL2_EXP_NEEDED
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL2_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    2
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage1
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_BalrogWingsTrigger Upgrade_Level2
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel3
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL3_EXP_NEEDED    
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL3_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    3
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage2
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_Level3
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel4
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL4_EXP_NEEDED    
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL4_EXP_AWARD 
    Rank                            =    4
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage3
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX 
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_BalrogBreathTrigger Upgrade_Level4
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel5
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL5_EXP_NEEDED     
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL5_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    5
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage4
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX 
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_Level5
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel6
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL6_EXP_NEEDED   
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL6_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    6
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage5
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX  
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_BalrogScreamTrigger Upgrade_Level6
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel7
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL7_EXP_NEEDED    
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL7_EXP_AWARD 
    Rank                            =    7
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage6
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_Level7
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel8
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL8_EXP_NEEDED    
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL8_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    8
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage7
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX   
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_HeroModeTrigger Upgrade_Level8
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel9
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL9_EXP_NEEDED  
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL9_EXP_AWARD  
    Rank                            =    9
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage8
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX   
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_Level9
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40

ExperienceLevel    WildBalrogLevel10
    TargetNames                        =    WildBalrog
    RequiredExperience                =    ROGASH_LVL10_EXP_NEEDED     
    ExperienceAward                    =    ROGASH_LVL10_EXP_AWARD
    Rank                            =    10
    AttributeModifiers            = HeroLevelUpDamage9
    LevelUpFx                    =    FX:GandalfLevelUp1FX    
    EmotionType                        =    CHEER
    Upgrades			= Upgrade_Level10
        Texture                    = HC_decal_Hero_Evil    
        Style                    = SHADOW_ALPHA_DECAL
        OpacityMin                = 50%    
        OpacityMax                = 100%
        MinRadius                = 100
        MaxRadius                = 250
        MaxSelectedUnits        = 40
What is wrong there?