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Member Since 25 Dec 2016
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#1044856 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by Steelpoint on 28 December 2016 - 04:51 PM

Maybe on Easy and perhaps Normal the game somewhat telegraphs more to the player about things they should consider doing.


To give a example, on the first Allied mission of Act 1 the game should pretty much tell you to fortify troops at the three main soviet beachheads, instead of making you have to figure that out yourself. Or on the second Allied mission to put up some anti-air defences to intercept soviet paratroopers.


Its those small things that can help players on lower difficulties prepare for those unexpected moments, or at least moments that are hard to figure out before hand. A good example being defending the Chronosphere on the 11th Allied mission, if you look at the base you can see two alternative entrances to you're base on your south east and north west sides that are not covered in defenses, a better/experienced player would see this but a new or more casual/someone who is not a genius would not notice at first.