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Member Since 22 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Nov 21 2017 11:25 AM

#1062724 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by JemCel03 on 24 July 2017 - 01:30 PM

Hey! ATheatricalSongBird made it cute enough to perform a voiceover for Yunru. But I hope one day more voiceover of her would be heard :( It's cute. Music to my ears. 

#1060055 First experience playing with other people

Posted by JemCel03 on 10 June 2017 - 02:31 PM

Topic speaks for itself. I must say, upon fighting matches with some people, I must admit. My skills aren't sufficient. Recently, a woman Jasmine just defeated me. That's because of her amazing back attack tactics via Chronosphere plus handy Prism Tanks and mastery of terrain.


ughhh. But I accepted my defeat. Enjoyed the game anyway, any other improvements for me? I am a defensive type of player and resortive to sticking to my starting positions, (not planning to use another MCV to expand) but I do scout via dogs and Engis. I just do what Bryan Vahey does at some games. Nevertheless, I think, I'm needing more practice. We both used Euro Alliance btw,

#1055212 Differences Between Easy, Medium, and Mental Difficulties?

Posted by JemCel03 on 25 March 2017 - 12:38 AM

I have played some campaigns so...

Easy: You have access to Elite Chinese Guards + Confederation reinforcements + longer time to prepare
Normal: Confederation reinforcements + reduced time (As I have watched Martinoz's)
Mental: Confederation does not arrive for help and lesser time to prepare + MOAR BRUTAL onslaught

Singularity: (Most notable)
Easy: Crates + 2 starting Scout Ravens + Scout Raven power up. You only need to destroy Field Bureau, ROCC, and Iron Curtain.
Normal: No crates, 1 starting Scout Raven, and Scout Raven power up. Qilin Tank and some Veteran Guards are present. You have to destroy both Airfields, Field Bureau, and ROCC.
Mental: No crates, no ravens, More EMP Mines, Veteran Borillo at the beginning, more Veteran guards, also; shroud is reset on both Airfields, Field Bureau, and ROCC. More ragequits too!!

Sunlight: as Martinoz said
Easy: AI is lousy
Normal: AI is a bit aggressive.
Mental: AI builds a nuke and nuke your Gladius for good until you tear off your shirt and turn into a Brute

Mental: One Infiltrator only no Ravens.
Normal: Two Infiltrators plus a Raven.
Easy: I dunno. I'm sorry.