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Member Since 10 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2014 01:07 AM

#915966 Spawn infantry or vehicle

Posted by Immortal_Pie on 07 March 2013 - 09:00 PM

WE do not suck at giving proper explanations, YOU suck at reading basic information and learning from it. You ask for everything that you ever have a problem with, rather than trying to find out the answers for yourself.


If you took a bit of time to attempt to find the answer before asking us what the answer is, you would not ask so many questions, therefore we would not get annoyed with you.


yes, at school you are taught that trial and error is not the correct way to figure something out, but you are also told that you learn from your mistakes, which in essence is the same.


Before you post ANY more questions, try using CTRL+F in the .ini files and try to find the answer out for yourself. Otherwise people wont help you, I for one cannot be bothered wasting my time helping you, when there are many things I am trying to figure out myself, much more complex than your issues. Like adding entire new sides, and re-creating the aimd.ini file from scratch.