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#1068030 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by lovalmidas on 01 October 2017 - 12:28 PM

perhaps instead of a faction with tunnels, I propose tunnels to be used in a Tech Building.


Tech Subway Station. :3

Tech Teleporter. >:3

Tech Bloatick Tunnel (non-humans only) )>:D

#1067851 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by lovalmidas on 29 September 2017 - 09:21 AM

You chance upon the relic of an old Super Thor...

You find yourself wondering If they got to participate in the old war, and, if they did, would they have changed the course of the war...




Yunru chances upon the relic of an old Super Thor...

Yunru: Let's reverse engineer this technology! :D'' ' '




Libra chances upon the relic of an old Super Thor...

You didn't see a Super Thor. There is no Super Thor. You do not recal-

#1067768 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by lovalmidas on 28 September 2017 - 12:38 PM




#1067765 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by lovalmidas on 28 September 2017 - 12:12 PM


also while im here, i read a comment on speeders juggernaut playthrough about there being a cyborg prototype somewhere. can anyone tell me what that's about

Martinoz (i hope i spelt that right) has a video on YouTube showing how to get it.



And I shall propose renaming the unit to "lovalmidas", because (s)he too lives in Singapore, and so that players will have the opportunity to revel in ending him.

#1066972 Act II Predictions - SPOILERS for Act I

Posted by lovalmidas on 17 September 2017 - 03:00 PM

what do all factions want to accomplish in the end ? to conquer all of their opponents.


Yunru: I am for peace! (designs Nuwa cannon of peace)


Yunru: I just want peace... Oh, hi Chronosphere, let me reconfigure you.


Yunru: I'd like to perform an inspection of Volkov's body, for research, yes, research... and yes, I am still for peace.

Yunru: I am for peace, everyone doesn't seem to like peace. I think I need to get my motherland to hide my elements of peace from her friends.




Yunru seems to be on the right path to become a conqueror 'Gandhi' herself. All hope may be lost.

Also, don't touch Yunru's Mainframe or her ​research. She'd nuke you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

#1066856 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by lovalmidas on 16 September 2017 - 06:22 AM

In other words, MCVs make heroes / heroines obsolete. :p


my proposal is to increase stats while inside tank bunkers. range, damage, make the garrison worth it. i know its epsilons only non-electric defense AND theyre cheap, but their presence in multiplayer should be proof.

Current stats are +25% firepower, +20% attack speed and +1 range. They do get increased, but i guess one could argue they aren't noticeable enough.

Make it +3 range (Making T1 units outrange T2 defenses), and you might see it being used much more often. Perhaps part of the reason why Tank Bunkers ain't used is due to the huge sacrifice the tanks take on their mobility (not so much for Battle Bunkers). You know, base defenses are meant to be bypassed. :p

And yes, the +3 range makes the base push more attractive. Aren't tanks meant to be used in a offensive? :p

#1066781 Just the Basics: A Mental Omega tutorial series; Episode Five: The ENDLESS de...

Posted by lovalmidas on 15 September 2017 - 07:39 AM

A list of possible topics that can be relevant to the mod, depending on your audience and the level of intelligence / knowledge you assume of the audience. 

For example, you can skip 80% of the topics here if you assume prior knowledge of RA2.


OP's video is most likely catered to RA2/YR players, as there are numerous references to RA2/YR concepts (e.g. 'Tech Structure') without additional elaboration. 




  • Installing the Game (+ acquiring the required files from a RA2 / YR disk)
    • ​​Installing the separate music pack
    • ​Updating the Game
    • ​How to admit you are newb and need help (and the 101 ways to seek help) ...just show them were the forum is.
  • Using the Game Launcher
    • Options and Settings (+ setting up a working renderer for smooth gameplay)
    • Campaign Selector (select your poison)
    • Skirmish Setup, Game Modes and Game Options
    • Using the Multiplayer Lobby and setting up a Multiplayer Game ( + and how not to get banned from the lobby)
    • Skirmish Sandbox mode
    • ​How to Quit the Launcher (just in case...)

Playing the Game I

This part caters only to the game engine, with minimal reference to actual mod objects.

  • Mechanics Overview
    • ​​Map -> Terrain, Height, Shroud
    • Game Actors -> Mobile units, Base Structures, Factories 
    • Bases -> Base Normal / Build Range
    • ​Resources -> Use of Resources (concept of $$cost$$), Ore/Gems, Resource Generation Buildings (Oil Derricks), Gear Change meme, Grinder meme, Reprocessor meme
    • ​'Science' - Tech Tree, Prerequisite system, Build Limit system
  • Controls (you are not a true RA2 fan if you do not know at least 90% of this :shiftee: )
    • ​​Main Command Interface -> Screen, Cursor, Map Scrolling (3 ways: mouse at edge, Up-Down-Left-Right, RH), interacting with objects on the screen
    • Other Command Interfaces -> Radar screen, Sidebar, Bottom Bar, Options Menu (how to quit the game)
    • ​Basic Object Control I -> Unit Selection, Unit UI (health bar, tooltips), Mouseclick-only commands (Move, Attack, Enter)
    • Basic Object Control II -> Group Selection (Rectangle select), Keyboard selection hotkeys (M - Back, N - Next, T - Same Type, P - Everyone) 
    • Basic Object Control III -> Mouseclick + Keyboard commands (Force Attack (Ctrl-LH), Force Move (Alt-LH), Guard Mode (G), Patrol/Attack-Move (Ctrl-Shift-LH), Waypoint Mode (Z), Deploy (D), Scatter (X), Force Stop (S), Repair (K), Sell (L)
    • Basic Production Control I -> Concept of Factories (e.g. ConYard), Structure production and placement, Unit production and placement, Cancelling production, different production Tabs
    • ​Basic Production Control II -> Factory waypoints. Building Queues, Building Upgrades, Tab hotkeys (Q, W, E, R), Repair (K), Sell (L)
    • Advanced Object Control I -> Add to Selection (Shift-LH / Shift-Rectangle select), Teams (1 - select team, Ctrl-1 - create team, Shift-1 - add team to selection) 
    • ​​​Main Command Interface II -> Camera shortcuts (Ctrl-F1/F2/F3/F4 - create camera, F1/F2/F3/F4 - get to camera, H - Home base camera. Space - Event camera), Alliance Menu
  • Information Meta
    • Minimap Radar Screen
    • EVA
    • Radar Events
    • Notification Text (top left)
    • Mission / Support Power Timers (bottom right)
    • Map Shroud and Reveal
    • Multiplayer: Beacons
    • The Website, the Forum, and the Twitter from which Speeder trolls the world. :p


Playing the Game II

Here, the meta starts flowing in.


  • Valuables
    • ​​Actors -> Units and Structures
    • Accessible Information -> Revealed terrain, Stealth / Subterranean / Sub detection, Prior Map knowledge, Your Ally / Enemy's chats
    • Resources -> Ore, Gems, Tech Oil Derricks, Cash-related memes
    • ​Production -> Types of production (Base, Armory, Infantry, Units, Aircraft Units, Naval Units)
    • Technology -> The ability to kill Chitzkoi and rebuild him, every time.
    • Time -> Build Time, Deployment delay (support powers / superweapons), Travel time
    • ​Human factor -> Actions per minute (*insert hotkey meme*), Response time (*insert retarded meme*), Multitasking ability (*insert single core human CPU meme*)  
  • Actions
    • ​​Meta-management -> Knowing the hard counters, AI / Human opponent playstyles, opponent psychology, *insert almost mental real-time strategy here*
    • Macro-management -> Build Order, Structure Placement Choices, Unit Teams, 'Formations' *insert frontline artillery / rear guard Eureka / Morales meme*
    • ​Micro-management -> The (((fun))) stuff. And the (((frustrating))) stuff.
    • ​Meme-management -> Game offers several ways to troll the opponent in small ways (Pillbox behind tree meme, Terror Drone behind tree meme, Zephyr vs high ground meme, Yunru the original MADMAN meme..., distraction meme). Serves to multiply your enjoyment and your salt. Now you are really playing the game.
    • Life-management -> How to be a good sport. :p
  • Introducing the Units and Structures
    • Expect many changes in this department because changelogs are endless.  :D 

Beyond this, and it is probably not a tutorial anymore. :p

#1066715 MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

Posted by lovalmidas on 14 September 2017 - 11:58 AM

> Probably better if Russia has an enhanced Tesla Trooper since their tech is Tesla-focused.

> Has Volkov with double the enhancements


Well boys, wish has been granted.

#1066583 What Is Your Favorite MO Tech

Posted by lovalmidas on 12 September 2017 - 06:00 AM

Mobile Construction Tech.


It is very unconventional! 

#1066582 Act II Predictions - SPOILERS for Act I

Posted by lovalmidas on 12 September 2017 - 06:00 AM

Plot twist - Antartica is in the way of getting into America. :p

#1066212 Act II Predictions - SPOILERS for Act I

Posted by lovalmidas on 07 September 2017 - 01:10 PM

Is your intelligence department powered by the Allies. If so, watch out. :p

#1065773 Map consideration for M0 3.3.3.

Posted by lovalmidas on 01 September 2017 - 07:11 AM

Mistakes happen. At least you know now why they happen. Then you can start to avoid it / work around it.

I don't even want to know how many crashes Speeder have had in the past ten years of modding. :p


You shouldn't need to go that far to delete all RA2. I am not sure what could have caused your games to stop working (assuming they worked before), but I believe there is a fix on the Internet somewhere about black video screen for RA2 (TS/RA2/YR's graphics is a little... quirky). Working with a program is all about small steps.




Taking entire chunks of INI files is a common pitfall for those who are new to modding.

The game loads inis in sequential order, and the map file is really just overwriting the rules file.


Think of it as












Will result in a ProduceCashAmount=200 (Map rules override ini rules), and ProduceCashDelay=10 (ini rules)


This will help you avoid wholesale copying of the game data, aka including only what you need to change.



Pure mapping (terrain and object placement only) won't require much more than skill in the map editor.

However, scripting and ini-editing is going to require a modder's knowledge to pull off without issues.


You may want to visit sites like http://modenc.renegadeprojects.com, and Project Perfect Mod forums to get some idea of how the game works in a more technical level, or at least watch people who do.


http://ares-develope...b.io/Ares-docs/ for Ares, which MO uses. That is next level stuff though :p


Also, since you are new, take small steps, and do lots of testing for every small step you make. You are gonna need to adjust a lot of your thinking and practice to learn how to make functioning maps.

#1065766 Map consideration for M0 3.3.3.

Posted by lovalmidas on 01 September 2017 - 02:56 AM

yeah I think he refers to the rules.ini or rulesmd.ini. Specifically, the rulesmd.ini


Your file contains all the unit, weapon, warhead, actions, technotype lists, even the [General] section. Most of those aren't even needed by the map since the game will use rulemd.ini if not overwritten.


You might have used the FA2 editor to load all the headers from rulesmd.ini into your map.

As Mental Omega is a very different game from YR, those rulesmd entries are largely not compatible, and will cause a crash.


There is one relatively way I can think of to salvage this without redoing the map.


 - Open FA2

 - Create new map

 - In Step 2, Import an existing map or bitmap (BMP)

 - In Step 3, browse for your map.

 - Also in Step 3, check Import Trees, Import Overlay, Import Units and Buildings (in this map you use only neutral structures so it should be ok).


Note: This will erase everything except Terrain, Trees, Overlay, Units and Buildings. If you have Triggers, Teamtypes, Scripttypes, AITriggers, Taskforces, custom Map boundaries, custom INI settings, they will be erased.

Tested this and it loads the custom INI settings as well. Well, gotta look for another way.


Then apply mevitar's suggestion to remove the [Houses] and [Countries] section using a text editor (Notepad). FA2 will generate them, and MO does not react nicely to it.


See if it improves.



A/N: I just realised that with the entirety of rulesmd.ini, the map is still less than half the size of our largest map (without a full rulesmo.ini)  :smile2ap:

#1065243 Map consideration for M0 3.3.3.

Posted by lovalmidas on 30 August 2017 - 10:40 AM

Files you may want to look at (or zip up for others to look at)



Basic. The EIP is often the first step to finding a problem.



Helps to see what actions were made before the exception. 


The Map file

Not very useful to the person who did not make it, but people might catch something you missed.

If all else fails, you can start removing chunks of script and retest to attempt to locate and isolate the source of the error.


No crashdumps unless requested. You'll need a programmer to interpret that anyway. :p


Zip them as they are in one group.

#1064837 MO 3.3 // Campaign, Cooperative & Challenge Discussion

Posted by lovalmidas on 25 August 2017 - 03:37 AM

...the same script from ra2 that causes the game to pause but the video transmission in the radar is playing...


I have discovered a way to create artificial lag!