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Member Since 31 Jan 2017
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In Topic: MO 3.3 // Game Bugs

24 March 2017 - 01:49 PM

In map Resource strain there is a Soviet Spy Plane docked in the air port to the east. Before 3.3 it's all fine but now it keeps making noise, annoying the player at position 3. Either the map need a ini to edit away the noise or this plane should be removed.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

17 March 2017 - 01:37 PM

3. "turtle and let ally help defend", the ally will have a hard time micromanaging (unless it's Alstar) defending both base and thus can't fully defend against full assault on both base.

Just mentioning, in some map there are only 2 attack routes, unless the player is focusing on air attack, thus defending is purely not that hard.

For now, your complain about the crane is still in minority, and thus not really require balancing. Unless every player experiencing same kind of tech abuse, then it won't be patched I presume.

Ex: The foxtrot problem was major, and thus got patched.

Yeah, let's wait and see if anyone else come to complain. (I bet there will be none)

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

16 March 2017 - 03:13 PM

TL;DR: The underlined part below.

If by that scenario the victim don't attack back the bombers with support power or another bombers, or even letting your enemy to create that many bombers which can just bypass your AA defenses, then that's the victim's fault I think. For not paying attention to the enemy air armada. You can (if checked on the option) convert the CY to MCV to prevent CY annihilation.
If CY is not the target, you can just sell away the important building (forcing the bombers to go idle for a moment, making them target for your AA defenses)
Bombers cost alot of money and they have paper-thin armor. Not sure if a base would go building alot of bombers and neglecting ground forces to counter land assaults.
If a base has good enough AA defenses, enemy sending bombers can lose alot of them in one go, and ore patches never regrow that fast to recover the loss.
Anyway, now that the secret (according to you) is out, let's see if many players will abuse this or not. And if there're more complaints regarding this.

They could just turtle and let their ally help defend and distract (hard to do and need some coordination though). In the case I listed above, the victim was chatting with his teammate, and was unaware of the sudden airstrike at all and the airbase is under gap generator. While this seems somewhat ridiculous and unreplicatable, distract by ground assult is absolutely possible.
BTW, I don't mean that only when soviet and allies are in the same team is this trick effective. Dust devil, which is barely used, is often more than severly damaged when firing on Archer blobs, rendering them single use smoke bomber, unless the player decide to wait quite a long time to do another smoke bombing run. It should also be mentioned that foxtrot may also have such problem. Generally, cranes make it possible to engage enemy where there are light to medium AA around, which is something players (at least me and my friends) would rather avoid, should there be no crane.


If you still think my words doesn't sound good, just ask yourself this: If one day mentalmeisters allow repair veichicles to repair air planes, are you going to build one dedicated to repair planes? (A repair crane worth only 33% more expensive than a repair IFV.)


EDIT: After thinking twice, I found the repair crane a bit more balanced than I thought. It's T3 technology and can't be deployed early when the enemy has light to medium AA around, unless the opponent play as allies. As the game proceed, the chance of crane becoming useful continues to drop, unless it's 3v3 or 4v4.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

16 March 2017 - 11:41 AM

Sorry for the late response, I didn't notice your reply., but...


Repair crane needs a big nerf. They can repair literally anything except infantries: tanks, walkers, choppers, blimps and even planes! They are breaking the balance in the airforce! Both the repair vehicles and the new backwarp can't be repair planes but why repair cranes can?

Because it's a crane..? It surely can reach airborne units to do repairs.


Not really need nerf... And it's not like your Foxtrots not auto-heal when docking. I myself never even actually build Repair Crane.

And seems so far only you brought up a complain about Repair Crane..? (Which means the majority of other players don't feel the same way)


Because they haven't yet discover this functionality or they underestimated its potential. The problem becomes sever when allies and soviets are in the same team. Consider this situation: A previous barracuda raid demolished enemy ConYard, yet their Airforce HQ and War Factory is still online. In order to fully neturalize the enemy, you may want to order a subsequent attack on WF or airbase. However, enemy AA defense left your barracuda all red/yellow health, which take really a long time to repair, leaving your enemy enough time to build a MCV. Your bombers won't reach their targets before they are shot down. However, if your ally supply you a repair crane, the bombers will be fully repaired even before their first missile finished loading, thus you can commence bombardment right when they are fully reloaded, most possibly winning the game.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Feedback & Suggestions (Balance, New Features, Modifications etc.)

03 March 2017 - 10:11 AM

Repair crane needs a big nerf. They can repair literally anything except infantries: tanks, walkers, choppers, blimps and even planes! They are breaking the balance in the airforce! Both the repair vehicles and the new backwarp can't be repair planes but why repair cranes can?