I have played through every general now and here is the last part of my feedback.
Demo gen's rebel has both english and arabic voice.
Dark Star has no access button on the right side of the screen like the other aircraft.
Defilers toxin defiling and acid defiling have an access button on the right side of the screen for no reason.
Acid defiling's (from defiler) icon is the same as acid polution, but only on the access button.
The defiler's abilities is targetable like general powers even though they dont reach the targeted position, while the bunker's abilities that does the same thing does not have this bug though.
Karakourt has too much trouble against base defenses, it can barely take out a single annihilator.
Cyber gen's patriots and flame gen's flamethrowers are stealth by default while stealth gen's base defenses (which are weaker) are not, should be the other way around imo.
I dont know the reason for the building icons order, but I think they should be sorted by either rank 1, 3 and 5 buildings, or by type (production, tech, base defense) to make it easier for new players to find what they need faster.