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Member Since 17 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2017 09:59 PM

Topics I've Started


18 February 2017 - 09:56 AM

Hi there!


Have had a look through the recent forums and not trawled anything up, so thought i'd post a topic (even though the reply will probably only be a link to a previous thread!)


But im having problems connecting my Ultimate Collection titles to the C&C:Online client. I have Red Alert 3 as a standalone title, and that works beautifully, so thank you for the service, and now im just trying to get it to work with CNCTUC.


I'm peeved at EA about it, because i bought the games back in the day, then forked out more cash for "C&C The First Decade" and then had to fork out more money for the titles since, then, only to be lumbered with a final purchase of TUC, 


Why they didnt just include the individual games within the pack, rather than making a new version, with a different launcher, i do not know. But as we all know EA sucks so we wont even get into that.


I guess my actual question is are there any walkthroughs or hints/tips you can give me for allowing the TUC games to run through the C&C:Online launcher?


Any help would be greatly appreciated,

