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Omega Nuke

Member Since 19 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Dec 30 2021 02:22 PM

#1067784 fan art and stuff...

Posted by Omega Nuke on 28 September 2017 - 05:41 PM

Hi, i had time to make a small fan art, it took me around 6 hours but got the job done.

Here is syncronin without color: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/BrR40Am

I mean i tried thay sh*t is so small when i looked at the original image

Here is syncronin with colors: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/PcdfZz0

Again the original image was small so it was hard for me to makr it good and to clear things out i am not a professional artist.

Here is a short song to :)) : https://youtu.be/xdMzAWnKzKE

It's s remix of Beyond | The Rescue

That just basically what i can do but hopefully i will make more fan art in the future.

Disclaimer: i am not trying to promote my channel.