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Member Since 02 Jun 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2005 01:05 AM

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In Topic: Improved installer for 1.5 / WA

06 October 2005 - 12:53 PM

hOW AND where does one create/put a dowai.module?

In Topic: Improved installer for 1.5 / WA

05 October 2005 - 02:03 PM

Hopefully I can beta test THIS as I can't get skirmish AI workig with WA. ;(

In Topic: Beta Testers ?

03 October 2005 - 10:46 PM

Don't limit IG heros to the number of IG squads that are out. It's worth it to have 3 priests running around unattached for example. I think the same is true with psykers.

line 872

self:CountSquads("ork_squad_armored_nob", dok_attach)
I think that's a mistake since doks can't attach to MANs... also, once it's possible to make doks, they're good attached to any squad or even unattached to act as damage sponges (they're 500 hitpoints of commander armor now) as long as they don't FJ themselves. They're probably best used attached to sluggas/shootas/nob squads.


I've been watching some pro replays (I really like Ironclad; and his latest raceof choice is IG); and he really tore some holes doing the 3 priests thing..he never builds a commander till late game. funny thing though, using the same strat is not so successful for me vs. AI Vanilla on Harder.

I just got the latest skirmish build, so I will have to see if there is any difference, but my initial attempts at some of ironclads teching/building strats have faired better than the standard build, but I'm still having a rough time with vanilla AI/Harder with IG.

Haven't played SM for a while, but that voice for the chaplain is so ghey....have a hard time playing them now. With a skull for a face, you should sound different than that!

In Topic: Beta Testers ?

02 October 2005 - 12:43 PM

email sent...

In Topic: Skirmish AI implemented and working in WA!

01 October 2005 - 02:49 PM