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Member Since 15 Dec 2003
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2024 09:08 PM

Topics I've Started

FinalAlert Bug found: Placing some units on the map crashes editor.

18 April 2018 - 06:30 PM

Hi I found a bug in de editor and was not sure where to put it.

I was creating my own waves map and while trying to reopen my map in the editor... it suddenly crashed!


Because i had a backup of a previous version and because its all text i was able to see the differences with: https://www.diffchecker.com/diff

After that i check what could be the possible causes and found that the problem was these 2 sets of code:



I noticed this could be it because i removed all units from the editor but somehow there where still a few left in the code.


Final Alert has stopped working after loading Chalenges/Co-op missions

15 April 2018 - 12:20 AM

I was really excited when i saw MO 3.3.3 was released including the map editor i was waiting for.

I really want to create some new challenge missions.


So my first instinct was looking how the existing challenges where made,

However when loading these missions the editor crashes.

Normal maps have no issue with opening.

Also i can see the new units + buildings and such in the editor.


Any idea's


Thx, Matthy

Client Start music super loud

18 February 2018 - 05:56 PM

Me and my mates, all are experiencing the same thing, the start music is sooo loud  :blink:

I mean the music is really nice, but the contrast between this and ingame is insane,


Do others experience this also?

is this a bug or done on purpose?

Custom single player maps

14 February 2018 - 09:51 PM



A very long time ago i used to be a modder for tiberian sun and RA2 yuri's revenge.

My most fun experiences where playing with the map editor in the single player mode.

Now i wanted to try and start mapping/modding again with single player maps.

But is there a way to run them in mental omega?


I have only found a way to run muliplayer maps.


Thanks in advance,
