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Member Since 09 Mar 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 25 2017 11:02 AM

Topics I've Started

Replacing textures for default objects

25 March 2015 - 12:45 PM

Hi all^^


Yesterday I saw in the topic of Sauron's maps that he managed to give a different texture to the Dale and Lake-town buildings. Just wanted to know, how can I do it by myself? (I want to give to Rohan's castle walls the texture of the Minas Tirith's walls, so that they look "stony")

Adding revivables heroes in custom maps RotWK

10 February 2015 - 03:55 PM

Hi all^^


Sorry for the post-spam during these days, but I've almost finished my first scripted map and there are just a few things still to be fixed. This time my question is this (maybe a stupid one):


How can I add on my map predefined heroes, that player can revive if they die? I tried spawning a delayed-carryover unit, but that doesn't worked. And making him spawn like an ordinary unit didn't worked as well: I was able to use him, but once built the faction buildings, I could've recruit him AGAIN from level 1 (and when the starting hero dies he disappears, rather than being added to the revivables heroes)


P.S. I've also made a script to add that hero to the list of revivables, but it didn't work anyway

Question about custom Commandbuttons and Commandsets in map.ini

09 February 2015 - 02:26 PM

Hi all^^


For my scripted map, I created some custom commandbuttons put in the map.ini of the map. Those are intended to give special features to some players. The code work very well, but I'd like to make a question: whenever I create a custom string for Command_etc, even if I set up the correct image, in the game no one appears, and I see a transparent (but still working) button. This is the string from the map.ini:

CommandButton Command_ConstructGondorCitadel
  Object	= GondorCampKeep
  TextLabel	= CONTROLBAR:ConstructCastle
  ButtonImage	= BRCamp_Build
  DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCastleUnpack
  Radial	= Yes

This is the code of the builders:

CommandSet IthilienBuilderStart

  1 = Command_Stop
  2 = Command_PorterExtinguishFire
  3 = Command_PorterConstructMenFarm
  4 = Command_ConstructIthilienTent
  5 = Command_PorterConstructMenWell
  6 = Command_PorterConstructMenStatue
  7 = Command_ConstructGondorCitadel


Object MenPorter

	Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade IthilienBuilderStart
		TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorFaction
		CommandSet = IthilienBuilderStart


The code works, since I'm able to build only those buildings. However, the buttons of the Gondor Citadel and the Ithilien Tent are transparent. Furthermore, I used the defensive buildplots of the Men Fortress in the tutorial to build some sentry towers and trebuchets. They're correctly built, but a strange thing happens: none of them reduce my resources, and also the trebuchets (I used the MenWall upgrade), rather than being slowly built, spawn instantly. This is the code:

CommandButton Command_MenWallUpgradeToTrebuchet
  Object	= MenWallTrebuchetSmall
  ButtonImage	= BGFortress_Trebuchet
  ButtonBorderType = BUILD
  Radial	= Yes
  TextLabel	= CONTROLBAR:Command_MenWallUpgradeToTrebuchet
  DescriptLabel = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipCommand_MenWallUpgradeToTrebuchet

CommandSet DefensivePlots

  1 = Command_ConstructGondorSentryTower
  2 = Command_MenWallUpgradeToTrebuchet


Object MenFortressExpansionPadSide_Tutorial1
  CommandSet = DefensivePlots
  ShroudClearingRange = MEN_PORTER_SHROUD_RANGE


Hope someone can help me^^

Help with Neutral units RotWK

07 February 2015 - 12:39 AM

Hi all^^

I'm working on a scripted version of Northern Ithilien, where if one player starts as Men close to the Forbidden Pool, and another in the north-eastern area as Mordor, the programmed scripts (which I called "Faramir Mechanics") start. In the map I'd like to make a special feature: at the beginning, the Mordor player only controls four Lumbermills at max level in the north-western area. Here there's also an Orc camp, which I set it belongs to PlyrOrcs (a Skirmish Player with SkirmishMordorAI). However, if the camp is attacked by the Rangers, it is transferred to the control of the Mordor player. Here stands my problem


I can't attack in any single way the PlyrOrcs units and buildings, even if I set, in the Player list, an hostile relation (I also made a script to make them enemies, but unsuccessfully). Furthermore, I also created another team, PlyrRangers (a Skirmish Player with SkirmishMenAI), which is enemy with PlyrOrcs and allied with the Gondor Player. At the beginning of the match, there should be a group of Orcs and Rangers (belonging to their respective teams) clashing each other without harming. The first player (Gondor/Mordor) to reach them gains the control of the respective units. But like I said, the units completely ignore my commands, they don't even consider themselves enemies. In addition, when I get close to the Rangers while playing as Gondor, they don't join my team, even if this is the command line (which works if they're owned by PlyrCivilian):



One unit from "teamPlayer_3" enters area "OutpostArea" (surfaces allowed: GROUND)


Team "PlyrRangers/TeamPlyrRangers" merges onto "teamPlayer_3"


So my question is: how can I make neutral units allies/enemies? How they can be attacked, but also attack?


I hope you can help me, since the relation commands don't seem to work, and I don't know what else to do

Help with civilians and neutral units

09 November 2014 - 11:03 AM

Hi all! :D
I made a fortress map (Minas Ithil, based on EA's Minas Morgul and edited^^) and I think I did quite a nice job. However, I got some problems. In the city (and in two outposts outside), I put some neutral units (belonging to team SkirmishMen) and some civilians (belonging to team PlyrCivilian) wandering around. However, I couldn't manage to make the neutral units to attack nearby enemies (I made a script which automatically makes them allies of player inside the fortress). The same thing happen when playing with attackers: you can't directly attack them (not even civilians).
This is how a did:
- In the Player List, I set that SkirmishMen and PlyrCivilian consider Player_1 and Player_2 (another player inside the fortress) to be friends, while they consider the other team as Neutral (I've also changed that, making them Enemies)
- In the Scripts, I made one that changes the relationships of SkirmishMen and PlyrCivilian toward a Player, if this attacks them or attacks Player_1
But none of the two ways above mentioned work. Why this happen?
Hope you can help me^^